Moto Guzzi V7 Transformation

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    Coming together nicely Pete. One comment, should the headlamp be a nats higher?

    Also my Duke is a HY08 reg, coincidence!


    Coming together nicely Pete. One comment, should the headlamp be a nats higher?

    Also my Duke is a HY08 reg, coincidence!

    I am not impressed with the headlight mount TBH, if I mount it the way it should be the headlight fowls the steering, am guessing I am using a different headlight slightly than the mount was designed to fit so may have to make something up myself. Yeah, I think it could be a little higher although I like the line between the tank and light. I guess with mods is that folk have their own ideas how stuff should be, and quite often it is very different from the vision of the person putting it together. The bracket will be played with to see if I can get it fitted a little neater and that will probably involve raising it a bit to stop it fowling the steering.
    Haha, where was your Ducati from? :-)


    I only think it needs to move up 25mm or so, but as you they whole point of personalised bike is that what you want.

    The Duke is still with me, although I have not used it much recently. I think it was from the Kent area, but I bought from a dealer in Norfolk


    Aye, I think 25mm may clear the steering ok


    I wish I had stuck with my RD project sometimes, but I am too lazy after work to do stuff.

    Good to follow somebody else with more sense of purpose


    haha, so much sense of purpose none of my bikes had turned a wheel for nearly 2yrs! :D

    I unfortunately have a habit of 12hrs in front of a PC at work, followed by 6hrs in front of a PC at home day in day out at the moment which I need to break the cycle so I thought it would be healthy mentally to do this to the bike. Just wish I had a lottery win to help pay for it as I am already half way to a new Yamaha MT-10 with what I have just spent on parts, once you add in the cost of the frame work, seat and the paint I will be less than £3.5k shy of having been able to buy one.

    I think I will need to sell the leftover bits once it is complete to try and recoup some of the outgoings.


    haha, so much sense of purpose none of my bikes had turned a wheel for nearly 2yrs! :D

    I unfortunately have a habit of 12hrs in front of a PC at work, followed by 6hrs in front of a PC at home day in day out at the moment which I need to break the cycle so I thought it would be healthy mentally to do this to the bike. Just wish I had a lottery win to help pay for it as I am already half way to a new Yamaha MT-10 with what I have just spent on parts, once you add in the cost of the frame work, seat and the paint I will be less than £3.5k shy of having been able to buy one.

    I think I will need to sell the leftover bits once it is complete to try and recoup some of the outgoings.

    We all have our sessions of losing our biking mojo, hard to put a finger on why, Several mates over the years have drifted out of biking, or just laid their bikes up hardly using them. Then one day it just comes back. Odd but true, happened to me in the late 1990’s. I just wasn’t enjoying it. Weird.

    Anyway, back to the Guzzi…you have certainly put some cash into by the look of it, but it will be money well spent if it means getting enjoyment out of your bike again. All your mods are well considered and look good. I would hold onto the standard bits if can. You might find the bike sells easier with them back on when the time comes. You then flog the special bits to somebody else to recoup some extra cash.

    You can’t win the lottery…it is my turn first!


    once I’ve had the frame modded there is no turning back lol, so no point worrying about re-sale…. would never get close to recouping the cost so once done the bike is a keeper till it dies lol :D


    once I’ve had the frame modded there is no turning back lol, so no point worrying about re-sale…. would never get close to recouping the cost so once done the bike is a keeper till it dies lol :D

    I think the time you have owned it already is a bit of a record for you!


    you saying I am some kind of a motorcycle floozy? :P :D



    Great vid, a pretty straightforward approach! I am just glad you didn’t cut your leg off!


    Haha, hope none of the contractors where I work see this! :D


    Any more updates Pete?


    Was waiting to include a suspension update as well as a cosmetic one but there was a problem with the fitting of the K-Tech fork cartridges today so will have to do that update tomorrow if it is sorted by then.

    I wasn’t happy with the headlight mount and as Radar rightly pointed out the bracket also made the headlight sit a little too low so I ordered a universal mount from Hong Kong which fits far better than the one I was using (which was supposedly specifically for the V7). Anyhows, the light I think now sits just about spot on the correct height and is a far neater set up than I was having to use previously:



    First Mount:


    New Mount:


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