Sharing some of the travel stories submitted by our readers. Whether it's across the world or to a local destination, on straight or twisty roads, we love to hear your motorcycle tales.

The Pyrenees Run Part 4. Scarey dummies and Disney Castles
After the rigours of yesterday we got off to a gentle start: Andy knocked up a hearty breakfast, I wondered around to the local shop got chatting to the English owner. Local Knowledge They informed me that there was a bike shop only a few kilometers up the road in Pouzac. It might not have Continue reading

The Pyrenees Run Part 3 – Red lights, levers, cyclists and bloody Barry.
It has to be said that the Pyrenees is almost annoyingly beautiful to behold. Let me explain: When you are just trying to get on to somewhere and you have to keep stopping just to take in and record your surroundings. This really slows things down! On a world famous route The first few miles Continue reading

The Pyrenees Run – Part 2 – Helicopters and the Holy Mother of God
As a good catholic boy (!) it seemed perfectly logical to make the famous town of Lourdes our target for our first days riding in the Pyrenees. Not Your Usual Biking Destination It was in Lourdes that a young girl who was to become St.Bernadette is said to have been visited by the Virgin Mary, Continue reading

The Pyrenees Run 2013 – Part 1 – Home to Campan.
To be honest this run had sort of dropped out my thoughts; mentally it seemed to be weeks away. Then I checked the calendar only to realise that the off was in fact only a few days away! Funny how life can creep up on you like that sometimes isn’t it? Days 1 & 2. Continue reading

Berlin Germany – DDR Motorrad Museum. Biking on the Other Side of the Iron Curtain
A few years ago I was in Berlin to help a friend celebrate a landmark birthday. Berlin is a great city and as I was with some old bike mad friends we couldn’t resist checking out the museum dedicated to East German bikes produced behind the Iron Curtain during the cold war. Biking on the Continue reading

Yamaha YZF 600R Thundercat – Track Action From Almeria Circuit Spain
The trouble with track days in the UK is, quite simply, that they are in the UK! The tracks themselves are fantastic in the main. No, the problem is the good old British weather. Generally speaking, you just can’t rely on it to play ball. Having gone to all the trouble of booking up your Continue reading

The Isle of Man Motor Museum – Review
First open to the public just in time for the 2015 TT races the Isle of Man Motor Museum has quickly grown to become perhaps the premier motoring museum on the island. The extensive and varied collection is housed in a custom built, modern and spacious facility. Impressive and Expansive Collection As you might expect Continue reading

Yorkshire 2020 – I Wonder What the Other Cottage Was Like?
Back in 2020 the whole world was caught in the vice like grip of Covid-19. Looking back on it, they were crazy times. Just before the bug struck I had treated myself to a hoofing great BMW R1200RS sports-tourer. Great timing, absolute masterstroke! But after a few months the lock-down restrictions began to ease a Continue reading

Ice Cold in Aberystwyth
The weather forecast stated 25ºC and warming sunshine all day. This isn’t bad for early October in England. The last few days had all been in a similar vein. Just about perfect conditions to enjoy riding motorcycles! It’s Such a Perfect Day You can’t beat an English summer’s day: Temperate. Sunny and lush green countryside Continue reading

The Italian Job Cotswolds Style!
There is just something about Italian machinery and vehicles. It doesn’t matter whether it is a car, bike, motorcycle, ship, or train. They may not be the best technically or yield the best numbers, but man they are always good looking, and have a certain brio lacking in the offerings from more, let’s say efficient Continue reading