Bike builds
A collection of interesting articles about bike building and modifications. We are happy for motorcycle buiders to get in touch and use our platform to show off their projects to the public.

Yamaha DT125MX – Field of Dreams
Back in 1981 it was not unusual for a 15 year old kid to have a ‘field-bike’ to muck about on. In theory using private land, but many did bend that particular rule just a little! In the case of my old mate Andy it was a Yamaha DT175MX. As field-bikes go the thing wasn’t Continue reading

Yamaha FZ600 – Back from the Dead!
Back at the tail end of 2006 after selling my Honda CB250RS-D to a friend I bought myself a little Yamaha FZ600. I rode it home the 216 freezing miles from Durham in December. I should really stop buying bikes on ebay when under the influence! MOT Failure! Anyway after a few months riding around Continue reading

Rebuilding a Honda VF500: Restoration of the Soul!
A couple of years ago I had the opportunity to purchase a Honda VF500FII for the bargain price of Just £85. A great chance to do some more restoration I thought. Is it Worth all the Effort? However, I was surprised when a number of folk I’d shared the knowledge of my good fortune with, Continue reading

Bobbing Around: Building a Bespoke Harley Custom. Part 8
I know it’s been a while, but it has honestly taken me this long to finish the battery tray! Not to bore you with excuses, let’s get into it. Battery Box – I Didn’t Just Charge In… As with all things when fabricating custom parts, there are more ways than one to skin a cat: Continue reading

Bobbing Around: Building a Bespoke Harley Custom. Part 7
Building a full custom motorcycle is often an exercise in packaging, making all of the necessary parts fit together within the frame. This is very true for my oil tank. I know the space that my oil tank will occupy (the usual spot behind the rear cylinder on a Harley), but before I start I Continue reading

Bobbing Around: Building a Bespoke Harley Custom. Part 6
Apologies for the long wait for an update. I will not start by giving you new parent/baby excuses: You have come here to read about custom motorcycles. Needless to say, my time in the garage has been somewhat limited over the last 8 months! Now I am just pleased to be able to get a Continue reading

Bobbing Around: Building a Bespoke Harley Custom. Part 5
Even disease and new born babies don’t stop Tom Shaw! The build continues! Slow Harley Progress… Blame the Bug and the Baby! Unfortunately work on the Sportster has slowed down a lot recently. Contracting the dreaded coronavirus, and then the birth of my lovely daughter have really gotten in the way of precious time spent Continue reading

Bobbing Around: Building a Bespoke Harley Custom. Part 4
Tom adds front and rear modifications to his Harley Davidson Bobber project. Some fantastic progress and great images. Front and Rear End As I mentioned at the start of writing this blog, it is my intention to change the front wheel from 19” to 16”. This will make the front wheel match the rear wheel Continue reading

Bobbing Around: Building a Bespoke Harley Custom. Part 3
Time to see how Tom Shaw is getting on with his fantastic Harley Bobber build again: You’ve Been Framed! Now my work in the garage starts to get a little monotonous. I want to clean up the welds from hard tailing the frame, and remove the ugly neck gussets that the factory put on. Let’s Continue reading

Bobbing Around: Building a Bespoke Harley Custom. Part 2
Tom Shaw is cracking on with his Harley Bobber Build. Let’s see how things are progressing: Who Needs Suspension Anyway? Time for a Hardtail! The first job was stripping the bike down to its bare bones. I always feel bad doing this to a running bike, but I’d also much rather start any project with Continue reading