FZ600 Back from the dead…with piccies!

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    Now condensed and edited into a blog which can be found here

    Back at the tail end of 2006 after selling my CB250RS to B2BM I got myself a little FZ600 and rode it home the 216 freezing miles from Durham.

    Yamaha FZ600. My latest addition

    Anyway after a few months the MOT and tax ran out and the little FZ got pushed into the shadows. Time passed and a failed attempt at an MOT at my rather picky local test centre. Leaky fork seals, leaky zorst and stiff rear shock. Well 16 months later it was time to dig her out of hibernation and return to her rightful place; on the road. As I am notoriously hard to motivate I roped Katana in to help me and so he turned up this Sunday and we got on with it.

    After moving the Thundercat, 4 mountain bikes and a collection of empty boxes big enough for The Sweeney to chase some slags in an old Jag through the FZ begins to emerge!

    Even the spider had died of boredom awaiting the return to the road!

    Katana kept trying to get me to cut my fairing off and ‘fighter’ the old girl.

    I was dreading taking off the exhaust; I had visions of siezed studs and hours battling with the headers. In the end the odd mix of bolts, cap heads come straight off. Result! Hopefully stainless will be going on in their place

    As you can see the exhaust isn’t stainless!! A couple of pin holes explained the blowing exhaust note. This lot will be cleaned up and welded by another mate of mine. Should look a  bit better then!

    Off with the Scorpion end can, probably worth more than than the bike!

    With the fairing, down pipes and zorst off we could stick the bike on Katanas rather wonderful lift. Great piece of kit, must get one for myself.

    Off with the front wheel, calipers and front mudguard

    Having already removed the clipons and released the fork pinch bolts we could drop the forks out. Kat stars again. I did do a few bits and bobs – honest!

    We were coming up to a complicated bit, so its out with the Haynes ‘Book of lies’


    The manual wittered on about special tools to take out the guts of the forks, but we improvised!

    The fork oil had seen better days…

    Getting there now!

    More improvisation! Yes, that is a paint roller!

    The circlip put up a bit of fight, but came out in the end. In the absence of the correct type of circlip pliers we used a couple of thin punches in each of the eye holes and a small flat bladed screwdriver.

    Tip, remember to keep things sided.

    We fitted the one seal without problem, re-fitted the original dust cap, but then hit a problem. Our improvised tool (!) wasn’t suitable for the re-assembly task. So Kat has taken the forks away as he reckons he has something lurking in his garage that could do the job.

    So progress is halted for a little while.

    I will sort the rusty downpipes this week, while Kat sorts the fork assemblies.

    The FZ is pushed back to the side of the garage, to await the next stage.

    A BIG thanks to Katana for all the help!

    Part 2 will follow soon


    been busy then, even though it was probably minus degrees in your garage like it has been in mine you still both looked rather happy in every photo.
    im lucky to move in my garage in the cold:))
    looking forward to the second part


    Nice to see the resurrection project has started, for now my 24k 1980 CX500 awaits a simular reprive. The temptation is just about there.


    good work boys! my vfr could do with the same treatment before spring gets here!


    I’ve got one side rebuilt. Going to do the other side tomorrow night if I get the chance. Might even treat them to a lick over with the polishing mop if I get time.

    Want to put it back together this Sunday Radar?



    Originally posted by katana

    I’ve got one side rebuilt. Going to do the other side tomorrow night if I get the chance. Might even treat them to a lick over with the polishing mop if I get time.

    Want to put it back together this Sunday Radar?

    Cheers Kat, could be bud, I will check with the management!


    cool! looking like its taking shape



    Originally posted by TT07

    Nice to see the resurrection project has started, for now my 24k 1980 CX500 awaits a simular reprive. The temptation is just about there.

    Go for it TT, be good see the old V Twin chugging about once more. I used to despatch on them. Tough old thinks, one had 108,000 miles on it!


    Well took a wire brush to the downpipes and several holes have appeared. Hmmm…will have to have a ponder about this!


    too knackered to be fixed/welded up?



    Originally posted by Pete247

    too knackered to be fixed/welded up?

    There are several holes to be honest and it could be tough. I have checked ebay and there are a couple of FZ breaking, awaiting response from the sellers. However it is a good chance that they will poor too. I will have a crack at reviving the one I have, nothing to lose



    Originally posted by Radar


    Originally posted by katana

    I’ve got one side rebuilt. Going to do the other side tomorrow night if I get the chance. Might even treat them to a lick over with the polishing mop if I get time.

    Want to put it back together this Sunday Radar?

    Cheers Kat, could be bud, I will check with the management!

    I have got my pass out Kat! Sunday 10am ish ok with you?


    It’s a date




    This what a few seconds with a wire brush revealed:

    There’s a hole in my bucket dear Liza!

    Hope that I can sleeve over it to seal it to MOT standard. Ultimately I think I am going to have to replace the downpipes

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