What do you really hate about being on the road?

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    In my case this is quite obvious, I hate speed cams, diesel spills, potholes and unwarranted legislation.
    Lets find out what other people hate and maybe start another campaign to make it better for bikers.

    Sorry Hooly, Chrome not accepted

    Best Regards
    Stuart XV16

    Please note that some of the comments and articles posted may not represent my views or the views of FORUM99 and its moderators.

    The normally careful and competent actions of a reasonable individual should be considered legal.

    GSX Rat

    Car drivers who move over to the right when they see you coming up behind them – especially in traffic!

    The thing is that they dont realise once your past your gone, usually after either a well aimed punch to the wing mirror, or in serious cases a size 9 boot in the door panel….

    Oh, and chrome…

    GSX750 Ratfighter / SR125 Rat / GSX600F / Beamish250 / Honda70 Rat / Honda250 Rat Racer

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!


    I hate all the old Irish farmers who are too tight to buy a new tractor and drive (at about 10mph)their ancient, decrepit, diesel-spilling, smoke-spewing monstrosities on all the twisty country roads and leave trails of slippy mud to mix in nicely with the diesel on all the bends. [:(!]


    Well I was gonna put that I hate the mud and crap that farmers leave on the road but seems I have been beaten to it! And the fact that they tend to overload trailers with corn and leave it all over the road for some unsuspecting biker to come along and take a spill on it! Geez, its worse stuff than gravel! Like trying to ride a bike on marbles!
    I also hate it when travelling down the fast lane of a motorway or dual carriageway, I come across some pillock who is travelling slower than the traffic in the slow lane but will not move over to let me pass! And the idiots out for a slow Sunday drive!

    Rebel with a cause!

    The roads are my race track!!


    I also hate people who stop just the other side of a tight blind bend on a 60mph road for no apparent reason.
    I met one of them on the way home yesterday evening. Had to break really hard.
    PS. Yes, I do know I shouldn’t have been going so fast round a blind bend but that’s no excuse.[xx(]


    I hate it when you are coming onto motorway/dual carriageway, and there are cars in the slow lane with an empty fast lane and although they can see you wanting to join flow of traffic, they still dont pull over to let you in!
    Something else I hate is something that happened to me while I was out today. Pulled up in a queue of traffic not far from where I live, I decided that the traffic wasnt going anywhere fast so filtered through. As I past one car near the front of the queue, there was a loud continous beep. One driver had decided it was unfair that I was able to get through the traffic and he was not. I carried on my way and soon after pulled into the garage to top up. Just finishing and the irrate driver pulled in. Well, all hell let loose as he stormed over and started pushing and slapping my helmet. He picked up my gloves which were on my seat and threw them across the forecourt. Abuse flying everywhere I told this chap where to get off and went on my way. He then proceeded to follow me, even over taking traffic dangerously to keep up. Still beeping and fist shaking! Driving dangerously close up my arse when I had no where to go. Hit the open road and left him far behind!
    I dont know whether it was the abuse I got from this muppet or whether it was the fact that there were loads of people about who could see this guy giving me hassle and no one, not one person came to my aid. This bloke was slapping at my helmet and trying to push me over and no one came to help! And thats it, thats what I really hate about being on the road, irrate drivers who insist on taking their temper out on innocent road users. After all, as I did point out to him, if he had been a biker, he would have done exactly the same! Mind you, if he rode a bike the way he drove a car, he wouldnt survive very long!

    Rebel with a cause!

    The roads are my race track!!

    GSX Rat

    You should have pulled the nozzle out of the tank, flicked 10p worth of juice all down his chest and legs and whilst rummaging in your pockets said you’ve got till i find my lighter to f##k off…

    I slept with faith and found a corpse in my arms on awakening; I drank and danced all night with doubt and found her a virgin in the morning.
    Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947)

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!


    Unfortunately, I had already replaced nozzle and paid. I will, however, bear it in mind cos I am bound to see him again as I think he lives on my estate cos I have seen him around before. I bet he was well peeved when I hit the open road and left him standing!! He He! Next time I see him waiting in a queue of traffic, I’ll rip his mirror off as I go past!

    Rebel with a cause!

    The roads are my race track!!


    I thought it was bad when some mad old woman gave me abuse in a petrol station for leaving my bike at the pump (in her way) while I paid for the petrol even though she couldn’t use the pump until I’d paid and there were two other empty ones. Some people just have it in for bikers. I’d hate to be that sad and pathetic.
    The worst thing I think is that it usually comes out of the blue and you are so gob smacked that you don’t react till it’s too late and then kick yourself for not having done/said something about it.[:(!]


    I hate wasps in the helmet or jacket!


    I hate the cagers that flick cigarette ends out the window when you are behind them and you end up with a fag end flying at you. Also does me head in when cagers put on their water squirters and shower you with water!
    Wasps in the helmet? Never had that one before, keep your visor down mate! Did get home from a ride some time back to hear a buzzing noise, on closer inspection it turned out to be a bumble bee caught in my long hair! I now never go anywhere without wearing a hood and tucking my hair away!

    Rebel with a cause!

    The roads are my race track!!



    Them bloody loose chippings they are forever laying on the roads round here![:(!]


    Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, But rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, vacuum in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming…….WOO HOO, there goes another engine!



    Boy racers.
    Old codgers driving at 29mph.
    Drivers with the reactions of a dead dogs dick, you know the ones that stop at every roundabout or juntion to look right and theres nothing there which they could have seen as they approached.
    All of the above, although Gixer I wouldn’t have stood for the grief off that bloke. I know you can’t do anything phisically but you should have got his registration and reported the incident to the police. The garage would have the camera footage for criminal assault.

    Be seen and be Safe!


    get that mongs address and me and GSXHooligan will sort him out.

    Take it easy out there


    Yeah I know in hindsight should have got his reg but at the time was more concerned with getting away from him![:0]


    Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, But rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, vacuum in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming…….WOO HOO, there goes another engine!


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