Just too Dam Hot

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    I haven’t gone out in this searing heat. Saw loads of people on Blades, GSX-Rs etc hacking about just wearing T shirts and shorts. The thought of what could happen if they came off…


    I do it myself and I know its wrong but feel really uncomfortable in this heat with my leathers on.

    Personal choice mate.


    Fair point on the personal choice, I am just concerned for people thats all. Wife is a nurse and has seen the outcome a few times in the past.

    Still way too hot even in T shirts!!

    If it cools down I’ll head out somewhere early Sunday morning on the T Cat.


    guys i have a joke with my m8 as he rides his scooter in safty sandles and reinfoced shorts BUT NO SOCKS hell that sounds cool

    Living by the sea side we seem to get our share of half naked scooter riders,most of wich do crash and shit its bad news for any one that helps out BUT HAY ITS COOL
    cookeye in leathers


    Think I’ll have my two penneth on this one. I used to have a touring holiday of about 2-3000 miles in Europe every year for about 15 years. Sometimes the temperature was well over 30 degrees and you could be stuck in traffic in a city with your leathers on and the bike fan blowing hot air onto your already sweaty knackers. Now I think that if I hadn’t taken off my layers I could have collapsed through heat exhaustion. With gloves on, your hands get so hot that they start to lose control and you make daft mistakes. I can’t condone it in high speed riding as the wind cools you to a large extent (and your injuries would be worse), but slow speed in traffic I think is OK. Bear in mind you could be more dangerous to yourself and others when you have no control of your bike.

    I often wore shorts and sandals (and no I didn’t wear socks!) for short distances but you’ve gotta watch that exhaust pipe!


    What countries did you travel to and on what bikes?


    Now you’re asking. France, Germany, Luxembourg (rode through it in about 10 minutes), Belgium, Holland, Southern Ireland, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Yugoslavia (as it was before the bullets), Spain. I reckon Northern Spain has some of the best biking roads but each of the other countries have some real crackers too. Ireland had the worst roads by far. I guess they’ve exported their best tarmac guys…..

    I miss the bike holidays now, it definitely ain’t the same in a car. My advice to anyone out there is to do some bike touring before you get kids, ’cause lovable as they are, they really scupper this type of holiday.

    Oh and the bike was mainly my Kwak GPZ900R but also a GPZ750 in the early days.


    Glad to spark a little debate, and as Wheelie said it is all down to personal choice.

    Chucking it down today! Just too dam wet!!

    I’d love to tour Europe on the bike and chucked away a great opportunity to just that in 1986. Now my kids are that bit older i hope to get over the water a bit in the next few years.


    just returned from Kos (see scooters), temperature was 125C , everyone wears shorts and sandals on the bikes, and 7 out of 10 people ride bikes. Speed limit is 50kms but road rash is road rash. Didn’thear of anyone coming off while I was there for 2 weeks.

    I used to ride from Liverpool to Rhyl in T-shirt and cut down jeans on my 250N many moons ago. I remember doing 70 and a giant bumble bee hit me in the chest. I had a bruise on me tit for a week!
    As for leathers in the hot weather I find that me keks (trousers to you)stick to me legs and I can’t get me leg over the Varadero without a run up. As Impdat says if riding unprotected watch your speed and be extra careful. Be Seen Be Safe.


    Sorry to bring back an old topic but heat exhaustion(spelling)can be dangerous as I found out at the 2000 GP at Donnington,at the end of the racers everyone was heading out all at the same time and queues started to form very quickly on the road linking to the main road.August in black leathers sitting on a stationary ZXR750H1 with a few hundred other hot engines reving next to you does`nt go,I could`nt breathe I started to have a panic attack I think as I just had to get off the bike and rip my lid off and all my layers,so I barged my way through the standing traffic and onto a grass verge were the bike was hasterly propped up against a tree.I started to hyperventalate and nearly passed out.Scouser didnt know what I was doing,must of thought I was having a fit.As far as doing Europe in the summer I think you have to be very careful and plan the route,stopping to take on water,thats why I and my M8ts do the France trip in May as any later its just too damn hot.

    Take it easy out there

    GSF K1

    I think the worst roads are not in Ireland.. try Marmaris (thats Turkey for the uneducated – was there two weeks ago).. they still have cobbled roads (main roads that is), then a stretch of sub-standard tarmack which has suffered subsidence, then more cobbles.. pot holes are everywhere, and they still burn up the roads on mopeds! Maniacs!

    Go out with a BANG… Light a fart!


    Get hot sometimes in traffic when it does get hot enough here (and lets face it, that aint often!), but not to extremes where I feel I want leathers off, would rather be hot and protected than cool and scarred.


    Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, But rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, vacuum in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming…….WOO HOO, there goes another engine!


    GSF K1

    Even in the middle of summer, I may be in jeans, but I’ll have the boots and jacket on!

    Go out with a BANG… Light a fart!


    I wear leathers no matter what the weather, would not be such a good idea getting knee on deck with just jeans on…..


    Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, But rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, vacuum in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming…….WOO HOO, there goes another engine!



    when it gets too hot I find it hard to get me leathers off,have to get the kids to pull me arms off then pull the shoulders back,or maybe am just a fat bastard.

    Take it easy out there

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