Interview :O

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  • #59055

    right then! found a new job to apply for, and im going to put my all into this one.
    i want to do armed response!


    Ah yes, that does look like it would fit the bill (no pun intended!)


    haha, ive been researching the role and have found a forum with some information on it. this is about the security vetting aspect of it.

    “Yes it does, but don’t be worried about it, they’re concerned about how easy it would be for a HIS or a terrorist / criminal organisation to blackmail you: subvert you (ie: are you like minded and could you be coerced) or are you a p1sshead / druggy etc.

    Sexual orientation is not a big deal nowadays (look at parliament !!!) as long as you are honest, and, as for the internet, if you watch youporn or redtube, so what, who doesn’t??

    Just don’t lie to the interviewer”

    and another little snippit

    “Some people find dv very intrusive, but as mentioned if they find out you are telling some porkys you will get denied, and its worth knowing that you MAY be watched by Covert Ops teams to see if you are honest.”


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