Eastern block immigrants. Good or Bad

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    With this influx of Poles, Albanians and Bulgarians, is it a good thing?

    At the moment their doing all the crap jobs that Average Brit can’t be arsed doing. Soon all manufacturer’s will be employing a un-skilled workforce that is prepared to work hard for minimum wage, and phase out their typical working Brit.

    What do you think?[:0]


    Well soon there will be no decent jobs left so people who sadly are made redundant will have no work at all coz there all taken by jonny….

    GSF K1

    An unfortunate statistic of labour is that there’ll always be jobs that nobody wants to do. They’re either too unpleasent or too poorly paid.
    Temporary “seasonal” immigrant labour is nothing new, and in Lincolnshire is vital to the agriculture industry as it pays so poorly local people cant survive on it.. so whats the answer????????????

    Once they stop working and become a burden – OUT OUT OUT!!!

    If you stay and contribute you’re welcome.


    My Mother was an immigrant from Ireland so I might be a little biased on this one. Where I work there is a significan t number of Poles working. To be honest they are hardworking and contribute to the business, they also pay their tax and national insurance. Apparently the company couldn’t fill all the posts with locals so they are not taking peoples jobs in this case. In fact wthout them the factory might be not be viable and may have gone east anyway. So perhaps it could be argued that they are helping to preserve UK jobs in this example.
    Historically the Poles have fought alongside us in WW2, their pilots showing great valour in the RAF especially. Now they are supporting us in Iraq too i think.

    What does annoy me are people who come here and sit on benefit. Perhaps we need to little admission to those who can add to our society, as is the case with NZ and Aus.

    Basically if they work and contribute I don’t have a problem

    GSX Rat

    ok, a lot of these people arent unskilled, theres a sh!tload of polish leccys around now and they are a good thing, besided the unskilled labour that fill the farm/processing jobs in this area.

    at least they are working and paying taxes, subsidizing the idle bastards in this country who wont work for minimum wage coz the government pays them more to sit on their ar$e with their 3 kids and free house. They are alright sitting and whinging about it, but if its such a problem why dont they get up off their fat lazy ar$es and take the job themselves? If there wasnt the jobs there, polish/whoever couldnt take them could they?

    The whole welfare system needs shaking up, what with all those layabouts on disability that there is nothing wrong with, apart from the once every 6 months “ooh my back doctor” and all the other spongers that feel the country owes them a living its hardly worth working.

    They should get no benefit and be found a job doing whatever, if they dont want to do it – fine, no money.

    at the end of the day at least they want the work so you cant hold it against them can you.

    /end spleen venting



    Hear, Hear Ratty

    GSF K1

    Radar – the Polish freedome fighters that joined the RAF in WWII were some of the most ferocious dog-fighters the croutes had the misfortune to come up against, and accounted for one heck of alot of kills. Respect is given!

    Ratty.. all too true!


    Being a Kraut myself I can only but thank the Poles, Brits and whoever else stopped them 65 years ago. I would not be here now, at least not doing what i am doing now.

    When I came to the UK 18 years ago I made every effort I could not to think german and to fit in with the Brits way of life. The main thing was to speak your language. Because you then spoke back to me. Rather than looking for fellow coutrymen i was accepted into enlish circles. My son learned to speak German right from the beginning but we always spoke in English in front of english poeple! The result is total integration. He feels English now and speaks English without an accent. Even supports the England Team. I would like to think we maintained the British culture that way, dispite of being foreign. And that is a good thing.
    The point of all this is that many foreign workers appear in this country in large groups. They have no need to learn the language because they have their peers to relate to. They are supplied with interpreters and have no need to speak to anybody English. So the Enlish do not speak to them and the result is mistrust from both sides. Who can honestly say to have made an effort to speak to a group of Poles, Russians or Bulgarians? I know I haven’t. Only ever spoke to individuals who had been over here for a long time.
    Sad really.
    Maybe there is still a chance that the next generation grows up like my son and thinks and lives the British way. At least there is no religious barrier.
    Ever the optimist!


    maybe you can make a ‘Debate of the day’ post’forum'[:)]


    The Polish workers where I work do seem to make an effort to speak English and the company encorages this. Indeed all the data they need to work is printed in English.

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