Bike story – joint effort…

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    I swung open the garage doors and there she sat, my bike…my freedom. Despite the cover keeping her warm the machines shape; like a pouncing cat could easily be made out. I could almost taste the anticipation of the trip they lay ahead of us.
    I peeled of the cover and rolled out the bike in the crisp early morning sunshine, I just couldn’t wait to get out there…

    Over to you lot… each person to write a short section and lets see what we wind up with…

    PS No flirting!!!!

    Donate – it makes you feel good!

    GSX Rat

    Checked my luggage – tent, beer, cash and ticket to the soggy badger mcc rally – yep all there. Jumping on the kickstart she roared into life, curtains twitching up and down the close as the peace and quiet of a saturday morning was once again destroyed by the straight thru pipes. I jumped astride her and roared off to meet the other guys i had arranged to travel down with…

    I slept with faith and found a corpse in my arms on awakening; I drank and danced all night with doubt and found her a virgin in the morning.
    Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947)

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!


    I bet I had only travelled 15 miles or so when there was a nasty clicking sound coming from the front wheel. I was dismayed when I pulled over to notice a calliper bolt had worked its way loose and was knocking on the wheel spokes, once again I had set off without doing the routine checks and tightening nuts and bolts, which is usually a weekly job, but I was so keen to meet the guys, the thought of a quick service had totally gone AWOL.

    Best Regards
    Stuart XV16

    Please note that some of the comments and articles posted may not represent my views or the views of FORUM99 and its moderators.

    The normally careful and competent actions of a reasonable individual should be considered legal!


    Luckily, I always carry a pocket metric socket set, so it was on with the 14mm, a quick twist of the wrench and we were back on the road again. After a few miles I rode up behind a long queue of cars. Glancing over my shoulder I pulled out to overtake the line of frustrated car drivers. What was it holding up the traffic? Only a flippin’ caravan again, damn those ‘vanners for holding up my ride!


    I rushed past the long queue with my speed rising quickly all the time; 80,90 then the magic ton came up as the speedo needle just keep spinning around the dial as if drawn by a magnet. Suddenly a huge lorry appeared storming towards me, still a fwew more cars before I reached the tin snail at the front of the queue…this could get messy


    I twisted the throttle around as hard as I could, I felt like I was going to twist bars off! The lorry was still hammering towards me now with all his lights ablaze. I closed my eyes and prayed

    GSX Rat

    I heard a ripping sound and looked over my shoulder to see my tent disappearing down the road attatched to its trailer – Bugger! Still, at least it wasnt me. I knew there was a pub just up the road so i pulled in for a restorative pint and a clean up…

    I slept with faith and found a corpse in my arms on awakening; I drank and danced all night with doubt and found her a virgin in the morning.
    Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947)

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!


    The beer was cool and refreshing, but I had a long way to go, so once more I hit the road, humming “Born to be Wild” to myself…



    I was so carried away with the open road, weaving through the bends and enjoying the wind in my face I failed to notice the word ovlov in my mirror, yes it was a T5 with all the trimmings, slowly backing off and wondering what speed I was actually travelling at, not daring to look down at the speedo I watched the mirror in anticipation….

    Best Regards
    Stuart XV16

    Please note that some of the comments and articles posted may not represent my views or the views of FORUM99 and its moderators.

    “The normally careful and competent actions of a reasonable individual should be considered legal”!


    And then they came on, those dreaded blue flashing lights in the grill….Great! Could any thing else go wrong?

    Rebel with a cause!

    The roads are my race track!!


    Decision time, to speed away or to pull over? After all I hadn’t done anything wrong had I? I flipped the number plate changeover switch to give me a bit of breathing space while I thought about the situation.

    GSX Rat

    Damn – i’d forgotten i’d rewired that switch to the flameout unit i fitted last week but was quickly reminded as the sound of a giant backfire accompanied the six foot long flame that threatened to make pork crackling out of the volvo’s occupants…

    I slept with faith and found a corpse in my arms on awakening; I drank and danced all night with doubt and found her a virgin in the morning.
    Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947)

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!


    Bugger! Thats blown it! Flameout unit? Me and my bright idea’s! A quick peek in my rear view mirror revealed those dreaded blue flashing lights through the er…slightly charred grill. This could be costly! Mmmmmmmmm……….run or stop…..?

    Rebel with a cause!

    The roads are my race track!!

    Love is giving someone the power to destroy you, but trusting them not to do it.


    Time to go for it, good old fashioned speed. I pulled back on the throttle and just accelerated, then just as I hit 88mph the Flux Capacitor kicked in, there was a blinding flash and I was in 1955…

    Donate – it makes you feel good!


    And then I woke up. A police officer was standing over me. What the hell had happened? A blowout? Had I hit something? The police man was saying something but his words weren’t registering………Why couldn’t I hear him? Had the deafening roar from the flameout unit affected my hearing? Had the fall affected my head?

    Rebel with a cause!

    The roads are my race track!!


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