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  • in reply to: Sunday 19th September #61182

    Well I didnt make it either, me and fellow member ccrevell were waiting over in Newtown, trouble was my bikes were in Kidder. For those in the know we went geocaching instead!

    in reply to: Word association…winters coming #61216


    in reply to: One for all, and all for one? #61074

    What a smashing time the 3 of you had, those photos really do the trip some justice. Note to self: Get a passport, and have some fun!!!

    in reply to: The Four Extreme Points of Wales Pt 1 #61107

    Well as far as comfort goes, I had no problems at all, for the first couple of years from purchase I did get aching wrists and cramp in my legs from anything more that say 80 miles, thats not now the case so I guess I grew into the bike! Obviously the power level is way down from the 1000 but the slower in/slower out of bends does make for a much smoother ride. By the end of day 3 I can honestly say I was well and truly in the groove, and can’t recall being more in tune with a bike in my 39 years of riding!

    in reply to: Interesting read #61077

    Read through it very interesting. You suggesting it for a Forum ride out then?

    in reply to: Aberdare run. Review and pics #61062

    Here are a few more pics:








    in reply to: Aberdare run. Review and pics #61059

    I’ll add some more pics later today. Glad you enjoyed the day Radar.

    in reply to: Aberdare run. Review and pics #61058

    [:)]That Dunlop shot is one of the best I’ve taken…[:)]”Determintion in action” I’ll call it, just look at the line of his body against the line of the bike.[:O]

    in reply to: Aberdare run. Review and pics #61057


    Originally posted by ses310

    Oh I see you put my fav pic in too :p

    And which one would that be I wonder?[:p]Go on shock us.

    in reply to: Few pics from Sunday #61009

    Hi Mark welcome on board. Start a fresh topic if you like and give us some insight into the GT750, include pics if you can. Cheers

    in reply to: Few pics from Sunday #61007

    My Dad had a GT750 years ago, I remember the handling was bad, and have always wondered if it was just that one or was handling an ‘issue’ with the model. The kettle was, for me, the first new big bike I really longed for, I’ve always liked Suzuki’s and its water cooling was what set it apart from everything else (before you say it, yes I know there are older british bikes ie Silk that were water cooled) It was also radically or should I say strangley different in appearence to other bikes in that era. I remember drooling over a Suzuki RE5 (rotary engine for those that have not heard of it) in the window of Skellerns in Worcester. I bet they’re a rare sight and highly desirable. I was bought up with 70’s machinery, it was a great decade for stylish inovative bikes!

    in reply to: Quite brilliantly stupid: #61023

    Bet he traded it in for a shaft or belt drive and disposed of the can rapido!

    in reply to: Headlamp reflector thingys #61017

    Quite agree with Pete247, if your headlamp glass has an ‘angular’ section just tape it over, test it out on a garage door (or simular) at night. I’ve used black electrical tape in the long distant past.

    in reply to: Aberdare Park Racing. 25th July #60861

    Details for Aberdare TBF Meet are as follows:-

    We will gather at Radars in Kidderminster (as most regular ride out members already know where this is) at 8:30 A.M. on Sunday 25th July and will attempt to leave at 9.00 Sharp, so please fuel up prior to the departure time. The route down will be Kidderminster – Stourport – Bromyard – Hereford – 10-15 mins break just south of Hereford – Abergavenny – Heads of the Valleys Road – Aberdare arriving at about 11:45. We will be parking up at St John the Baptist School which is accessed via DEPOT ROAD CF44 8DL. This is a secure bike parking area for about 2-3 quid, plus for a couple of quid more you can leave all of your gear, so I suggest taking a rucksack with a change of clothing. From there its about 10 mins walk to the park itself, and on the way you pass an Aldi/Lidl/Netto so you can pick up drinks/snacks there. Entrance to the event will be about £12 this year. As previously stated this is a National Event and is held within a town park, so dont expect to see Dolly Birds/huge trade stands its just racing at grass roots level. The track has been re-surfaced this year so the record could well go. Michael Dunlop is due to be there, but I couldn’t decide whether is just an appearance or actually to take part. Basically, as far as we are concerned this is a gathering of The Bike Forum and I hope we all enjoy a pleasent day together. The route back will be via Brecon which is actually no longer distance than the Hereford route, but has some lovely scenery through the Brecon National Park. On the return journey for those that aren’t stuck for time we can stop off for a meal (light salad in Radars words!)

    Should anyone who has not yet had a ride out with “The Forum” but would like to join us on this occasion please PM myself or Radar and we will advise you on where you can join us.

    Official Aberdare Park Road Races Site:

    My 2008 Report:

    My 2009 Report:

    in reply to: Well done to Rossi on a stunning comeback! #61014

    Yes he sure is amazing,the thing that got me was the video clip of his shakedown practice at Brno on the WSB machine, he got off the bike, was handed his calipers, and walked/hopped into the pit still in all of his gear.It sort of made me realise how brutally dangerous the sport really is.

    See video at foot of page.

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