Was that the one I used to own?

Home Forums BikeMeet Cafe Was that the one I used to own?

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    I guess many of us have caught a glimpse of a bike (or even a car for that matter) either going in the opposite direction or maybe in a clip on the T.V. and thought “Thats just like the one I used to have[] Was it mine[?]” Well in my case I need not look for any of them, so I don’t look anymore. I thought on this very subject one day and decided to utilise the DVLA Website in my quest. Just visit :-


    Select the fourth item VEHICLE ENQUIRY

    and then NEXT

    Type in the Vehicle Registration Mark and select the Vehicle Make

    then you COULD know if that old machine is still around. If its still on the road it will show if tax is in date or not, it will show if a SORN is issued, other than that if no details are shown its either not legally on the road or its gone for ever. HAPPY SEARCHING Non of my old`ns are on the road and only my last car is still out there.


    I have used this service and it is great fun. About a dozen of my old bikes survive!

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