Unreal – what sort of attitude is this?

Home Forums BikeMeet Cafe Unreal – what sort of attitude is this?

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    GSX Rat


    I’ll post the messages in text, as i anticipate my reply may get removed before the morning….

    Topic – kids on mopeds/dirt bikes


    posted 05-07-04 18:33
    Just hearing the damn things are like scraping your finger nails down a blackboard, then to see some spotty kids riding around about on it at a all hours is another thing, I understand that some parents cant bring up their kids and that its everyone else’s fault but them that their kids are delinquents.

    I have lived in different places in the UK and all of them seem to have kids who aren’t old enough to drive riding around at ‘break-neck’ (don’t think it its not nice ) speeds.

    What do you all think of this menace… I mean ‘problem’.
    Posts: 489


    posted 05-07-04 19:21
    I agree its a f****** nuisense. Just the noise of these things. A pain in the arse when you’re trying to get to sleep.

    Where I used to live, at night there would often be the noise of cars being driven very fast. Sounded like the cars were being driven at a speed of 50-60 mph all night and early hours of the morning, with their crappy garage and drum bass music blasting out! The courts should be given powers to remove driving licences from these inconsiderate scrotes as they sure don’t deserve to be allowed to drive. Bring back the stocks and rotten vegetables I say!

    blodwyn pig

    posted 06-07-04 10:13
    where i grew up the problem was so bad the old bill had a couple of scramblers to catch the kids on their nicked/illegal bikes, people and dogs were getting hurt by them, they were a right menace!
    Posts: 473

    But this idiot below needs a good slapping for his comments


    posted 07-07-04 20:54
    I aim for them and when they are passing cars on my side of the road, granted there may be enough room for the both of us but I make sure there isnt.

    Whats worst is when your at traffic lights and they come around you and just sit in front of you. That is so annoying.

    The other day though one overtook ( he had quite a powerful one, obviously a daddys boy ) and then had to cut dangerously in front of me to avoid the oncoming car, so further down the road i did exactly the same thing to him, only he got a bit more scared having a CGV coming sideways at him at speed

    Dad of 4 very noisy bois
    Posts: 153


    posted 08-07-04 00:40
    oh dear….what a sheltered life I now lead.

    used to see kids 3 or 4 up on a clapped out honda.

    but that’s kids for you

    yep, they’re easy to frighten….but have to be coped with, big trouble if not coped with??

    Blaming parents?

    or should we accept that the society we have created for our own amusement will also have its downsides?
    Posts: 2929

    GSX Hoo1igan

    posted 08-07-04 02:29

    Originally posted by ChryslerGrandVoyager:
    I aim for them and when they are passing cars on my side of the road, granted there may be enough room for the both of us but I make sure there isnt.

    Whats worst is when your at traffic lights and they come around you and just sit in front of you. That is so annoying.

    The other day though one overtook ( he had quite a powerful one, obviously a daddys boy ) and then had to cut dangerously in front of me to avoid the oncoming car, so further down the road i did exactly the same thing to him, only he got a bit more scared having a CGV coming sideways at him at speed

    Dad of 4 very noisy bois

    Very clever and mature of you – when you finally knock one off in your box and he/she dies i hope you’ll be happy. People with attitudes such as yours make me sick and dont help relations between cagers and bikers at all. The last person that cut me up in a car ended up with a broken window, and a bleeding and possibly broken nose – i didnt hang about long enough to find out. You dont know how much it has took to not reply to this drivel with a bunch of expletives but i hope that if you read back through your post then you will realize what a tw#t you come across as. And dont come back saying it was a joke…..

    GSX750 Ratfighter / SR125 Rat / GSX600F / Beamish250 / Honda70 Rat

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!
    Posts: 109

    Suspect that wont be there tomorrow!

    GSX750 Ratfighter / SR125 Rat / GSX600F / Beamish250 / Honda70 Rat

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!


    I have signed up to reply, but it wont let me yet! I urge anyone concerned to do the same.

    Best Regards
    Stuart XV16

    Please note that some of the comments and articles posted may not represent my views or the views of FORUM99 and its moderators.


    GSX Rat

    well he finally answered (read the first line!):


    Ok firstly i would be happy for the person who died on the bike for the simple reason that I hate them, a 7 year old boy in my sons class was killed when a bike doing 50mph overtaking a car in a 20 area outside the school killed him instantly and believe it or not he was on the pavement. So when i see ignorant little sh1ts like you dangerously overtaking ill do what i can to get rid of you. If you re-read my post carefully I did not chase him I was going at my legal driving speed and he was going slightly slower and so as you say and just as you have said in your posts and i can quote you it is your legal right to overtake, well guess what that applied to cars as well in the real world!

    And yeah I agree with the other members here. Grow up!!! Your name says it all….. HOOLIGAN???? hmm says a lot about you and your real biking style ( and by the way this is a car forum not a bike forum )

    GSX750 Ratfighter / SR125 Rat / GSX600F / Beamish250 / Honda70 Rat

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!

    GSX Rat

    looks like that did it – c4 have finally pulled the thread!

    GSX750 Ratfighter / SR125 Rat / GSX600F / Beamish250 / Honda70 Rat

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!

    Urban Terrorist

    Damn, missed out on that one then!!

    More than 2-strokes is masturbation!!

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