Uh-Oh… ebay is evil LOL :D

Home Forums BikeMeet Cafe Uh-Oh… ebay is evil LOL :D

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    Very cool…


    My god I really want one!
    It looks a hoot Pete
    Cool with it
    Nice One


    cheers Thumper. The company that built it are the UK’s sole flat track bodywork supplier and can sort the tank and seat to folk wishing to build their own. I’m really enjoying riding it about and it gets loads of attention even tho its just an ickle 400cc bike [:)]



    When I was up at my local bikers cafe the weekend it is all the specials and older bikes that get all the attention…modern or new stuff just gets walked past generally. My FZ is virtually invisible!

    Be good to hook up for a blast Pete. RD350 v flatracker would be an interesting one!


    hahaha, yup. Mine runs out of steam at 80 tho


    If I get a decent job when I leave the RN I am thinking about building myself a bike, probs based on a CB750 or similar. I have a mate who can do frame chops and mods and generally help with fabrication. I’m sure I’ll be able to cope with the electrics. Just need to sketch some ideas and find a bottomless pit filled with cash lol [:D]


    PM forum member Gordy (Katana bought his Blade off him), he has been working on some ideas for specials for a few years now and is a wizz with electrics. He only logs on now and again so I will give him a poke too.

    Inceidentally I would stay in the RN as long as you can. Its tough out here!!


    I can’t mate, I hate it I really hate it. Quality of life should not be measured in the amount of toys, but in the friends you are able to play with them with and spending each summer under the waves ruins that quite a lot lol. I have a few options for jobs but am aware its gonna be a lot harder out in the real world than it is in the RN


    You are spot on Pete. A mate of mine left the RAF (He was a radar tech) and has forged a great life. He and his wife have lived in Scotland, the Pyrenees and now malta and seem to have a great time. I hope to go over with the family in July to visit them for a week. Just need to talk him into lending me his SV1000 for a day while I am there!

    I always regretted not going into the services (the RAF specifically) but I have done ok in the car industry. Getting made redundant every few years is a real bitch though!



    I can imagine… saying that tho it is just as likely to happen in the forces too depending on your speciality. I was really hoping to get made redundant from the RN, would have been able to halve my mortgage on the payout


    That would be a tempting offer. My younger daughter wants to go in the RAF or the Police. I think she finds the thought of signing up for 9 years a bit daunting though


    I had to sign for a minimum 9yrs, but my contract was for 22yrs. the MoD is changing the contract now to 18yrs, means they get out of paying the decent 22yr pension to folk. The benefits of being in the force are slowly being removed. I’m getting out before there are no perks left and everyone else in runs for the hills too!


    Good luck with the hunt Pete and keep us informed how you go on


    Certainly shall mate :-)


    Have got my lil Yammy up on base as a run around, its perfect for it (except the oil consumption – which I will be needing to fix at some point). Anyways, with the weather being so nice I went out around the hills and Loch Long yesterday, grabbed a fish and chip supper and generally enjoyed the funshine :D

    The lil bastid midges were not so fun… especially with an open face lid lol and felt like I was being hit by a bug-gatling gun lol, needed to dust my beard off each time I stopped lol :D







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