Top tips – GSX 750

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  • #8900
    GSX Rat

    When rebuilding your gsx make sure you put the airbox in before you struggle to get the engine in. If you get hold of the manual which tells you this after said engine is already in place then you will find you have something akin to a reverse monkey puzzle / square peg – round hole scenario.
    This can be overcome however, and bear in mind that this is easier than removing the engine!

    From the left hand side, remove clutch actuating mechanism, remove carbs – which will mean undoing all the throttle and choke cables you nicely tyrapped up, remove the first 3 carb inlet rubbers, remove the left hand side oil feed line, remove the top rear lhs engine mount bracket, remove all other engine mount studs except bottom rear, engine will now fall forward onto oil cooler bracket. This will allow you a vital inch or so towards the two inches that you were short of to get it in! Next, take the airbox and the right hand side mount, cut off the plastic that surrounds the mount – you can now offer it up and with the aid of a black and decker paintstripping gun to soften the plastic it can now be levered into place with a large screwdriver. Next, when fitting the top mounting bracket the threads in the frame may be rusty, but you will find you are unable to get a 6mm tap in because of space limitations. Simply screw a 6mm caphead in really tightly till it shears, clean end up with a file and screw a 6mm nut onto it. Refit rubbers, finding now you cant get a good grip on the screwdriver because theres a fu##ing airbox in the way – dig out screw box and hunt out eight 5mm capheads – refit rubbers again. Refit carbs, cables, engine bracket, mounting bolts – a trolley jack under front end makes this easy (!)

    Throw tools in box, lock up garage, wash hands – go to pub []

    Oh yeah, a few cans of lager and copious amounts of bad language help the job along or so it seems!

    So much for quote “I’ll just nip in the garage for half an hour and stick this airbox on, then i’m off for a pint!”

    GSX750 Ratfighter / SR125 Rat / GSX600F / Beamish250 / Honda70 Rat

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!


    alternatively jump reapeatidly on airbox and buy K&N filters and spend next 6 months setting up carbs to suit.


    GSX Rat

    there’s that word again – buy!! , ugh!

    GSX750 Ratfighter / SR125 Rat / GSX600F / Beamish250 / Honda70 Rat

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!

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