The Bewdley & Wyre Forest Classic Car Club is born!

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    A Car Club is Born!

    It's a funny old world, a casual post on a local FB group, a young lad enquiring if there were any car shows or clubs locally prompted a flurry of replies from fellow enthusiasts, generally bemoaning the lack of a specific club or events in the area. A few people replied saying it would be a good idea to set something up, and the landlady of a local pub (The Duke William) offered to host any events we might come up with. It would seem that we had the genesis of group forming in front of our very eyes. So Luis who had set the ball rolling set up a group chat for those that had offered to help and hey presto the next thing I know the following Tuesday evening I am wondering into The Duke William pub to meet everyone for the first time. This could one of two ways…Happily the it went really well, we all seemed to hit it off straight away, and had a good spread of ages and crucially cars! Two Lotus owners (I like other Lotus owners;  they generally understand…), a Mini owner (the proper one), a Chevrolet Corvette C3 and a Datsun240Z. This is all looking terribly promising. The pub has recently come under new ownership and is looking MUCH smarter than my last visit there a few years ago, and the owners are keen to be part of the new club. We quickly settled on a name, a logo and maiden event. It was great to meet everybody and so I am now looking forward to a summer of classic fun in (hopefully) equally classic company. So here's to a sunshine summer, open roads and some great adventures!
    The Bewdley & Wyre Forest Classic Car Club is born!


    Good luck with this, should be good fun. Will try to make it down to a few meetings this year.

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