Stir Crazy…partial cure

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    I have not been out on a bike much this year, just one brief hop on my 550. I am going mad and now know how Lions and Tigers feel when cooped up in a zoo. This grey, damp and bland winter is dragging on rather. So I got myself a little light relief today…23 miles to the local bikers’ cafe and back on the 550. I didn’t go fast, there wasn’t anything worthy of photographing at the cafe, although 60% of the bikes there were R1s strangely. I just bimbled along, tailed a bloke on a Fireblade for a bit who kept overtaking on double solid whites for reasons best known to himself. The road surface had a sheen to it that didn’t inspire confidence, the 550 was not running perfectly. But you know what?…it didn’t matter a dam. I had ride, I had a mug of tea, I had a bacon buttie, I read an old bike a magazine whilst doing so The butty and cuppa at any rate…not the riding bit!). Simple pleasures…

    Back to the pacing up and down my cage now…

    Did I just liken myself to a Lion? 

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