Stiff leathers

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    Has anybody got some tips on softening stiff leathers? I have used leather cleaners and feeds etc but my leathers are still stiff. They are still fairly new but desperate to get them soft and supple so I can kneeslide comfortably. One of my buddies has told me to use baby oil but cant imagine that using it on my leathers!

    GSX Rat

    Quote “One of my buddies has told me to use baby oil but cant imagine that using it on my leathers!”

    Maybe they weren’t thinking about the leathers []

    Beeswax or engine oil if they’re black – that’s the rat biker in me coming out!

    GSX750 Ratfighter / GSX600F / Beamish250 / Honda70 Rat

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!


    What was he thinking about then? I can’t imagine!

    Doesn’t engine oil make them smell? Already used beeswax and although it softened them a bit, need quick desperate measures ’cause I want to go kneesurfin’ at the weekend while the weathers decent but their still stiff.

    The roads are my race track!!


    There is a saddle treatment called Hydrophane, this does the trick, it also preserves, but I have not got a clue where you will find some, obviously a horsey place somewhere. Failing that hooli is right, use engine oil, it looks great with a little road dust on it…


    I know the stuff, I used to work with race horses! Like to feel something with power between my knees! Thanks for advice. I will try it.

    The roads are my race track!!


    I use this stuff


    It does a really good job of softning up the leather and also toughens it up and waterproofs. I got it from a local horsey type shop and it cost me 6 quid for a big tub.



    Yeah I know the stuff. We used to use it on the saddles but you have to be careful and not use it too often ’cause it apparantly rots the stitching although we never had any problems. Thanks. I know exactly where I can get some.

    The roads are my race track!!


    Have you done them, if so which stuff did you end up using?


    I haven’t done them yet but will use the german leather balsam ’cause it feeds the leather whereas Hydrophane is mainly a waterproofer and protector. Also, I have actually got some from my horsey days. Had a look and there it was!! Change of plans for weekend anyway. Not going now cause I had a tattoo done today and although it didn’t hurt when I was having it done, I am very bony and it hurts like hell now. Might just go for a good blast.

    The roads are my race track!!


    Whats the tatoo? is it a biggy?


    Its a dragon on my high on my arm and its about the size of a credit card. Its not a cute crappy cuddly dragon though. Don’t like cute an cuddly. Its like a serpant dragon in a fireball.

    The roads are my race track!!


    Brill choice, keep it covered in Savlon it wont rub as much..


    Thanks for the advice, the bloke that did the tatoo said the same but suprisingly, its almost completely healed!!! I do heal very quickly thankfully. Will be wanting another tatoo soon. Might have a little devil or something on my shoulder…..seen this one with his middle finger up. Looks well cheeky!

    The roads are my race track!!

    GSX Rat

    I found that using savlon dried it out too quickly, as i also heal pretty quick. This brought out some of the color and on mentioning this the next time i visited the parlour, the guy told me to use vaseline to keep it moist which slows down the healing process!

    GSX750 Ratfighter / SR125 Rat / GSX600F / Beamish250 / Honda70 Rat

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!


    I will remember that next time. I have almost completely healed and the scabbing has just about all gone, It looks like I have lost a bit of colour too although it still looks good as the patches of lighter colour looks like light reflection. I’m well chuffed!

    The roads are my race track!!

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