Home Forums Pure Petrolhead Speed cameras SPEED GUN READY TO BE USED ON A371

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    Villagers? Where will it all stop? I don’t condone speeding through villages but I do object to Wannabe Bobbies, The powers of the police should not be given to the general public.

    A state-of-the-art radar speed detector is to become operational in Croscombe on the main road from Wells to Shepton Mallet. Four teams of villagers have been trained to use it by police.

    In the past villagers have had to resort to strategies such as placing a black and white chequered flag alongside the village sign with the slogan “Twinned with Le Mans”, in an attempt to draw attention to the fact that drivers speed on their way to Wells or Shepton Mallet on the A371.

    Now they have been given the opportunity to purchase their own radar gun. It is much more compact than the gun which has been on loan to them while they were in training.

    Chairman of the group known as Action A371, Jo Sackett, said: “This means that we can operate speed traps in the village at random times rather than wait for our turn to borrow the existing gun.

    “It also means that the other teams on the rota will be able to use the loan gun more frequently. In either case it adds up to better road safety because the speed limits will be better observed.

    “The cost of the gun, including two yellow tabards and VAT, comes to just over £200.

    “Action 371 has taken the bull by the horns and made arrangements to purchase one. Obviously this is a strain on our resources and we are appealing for supporters who wish to improve road safety in Croscombe to offer donations towards the cost.

    Best Regards
    Stuart XV16

    Please note that some of the comments and articles posted may not represent my views or the views of FORUM99 and its moderators.



    What? Does this mean that anyone can purchase a gun and fine people who exceed the speed limit?!! Who will hold the gun, the police or the villagers?

    Love the Le Mans comment though, that was obviously the village humourist who came up with that one.

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