Richard BumStorm

Home Forums Pure Petrolhead Speed cameras Richard BumStorm

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    The last I heard of this man he was been disciplined, or as all that scandal been covered up?
    Maybe the government agree with his public announcement that Class A drugs should be legalised. Obviously a man with a small organ! (I mean brain).

    The “petrolhead” lobby led by car enthusiasts like TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson has had too much influence on Government policy on speed cameras, a senior police officer said today.

    Richard Brunstrom, the Chief Constable of North Wales, called on Prime Minister Tony Blair and his Cabinet to speak out publicly in support of the cameras and their potential to save lives.
    Wonder why they don’t
    And he urged the Government to consider significant increases in the number of cameras, including hidden devices, which he said would be far more effective in cutting speed than the current system of highly-visible yellow boxes.
    How can they or does he mean increase revenue?
    Mr Brunstrom is the Association of Chief Police Officers’ spokesman on transport matters and has long been an advocate of increased use of speed cameras.
    and class A drugs
    It would be wrong to maintain that ministers were “running scared” of lobbyists who argue that the cameras are an infringement of civil liberties or a money-making device for police forces, he said.
    Well don’t say it!!
    But he accused them of failing to push the case for cameras strongly enough, for fear of the electoral consequences.
    He is brighter than I thought
    He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “I think it is the Jeremy Clarkson effect, the petrolhead lobby, a very vocal, but actually very small group.
    Anti groups usually are!
    “The evidence is overwhelming that something more than three-quarters of the population of the country support the use of speed cameras in the way the Government is doing it.
    If that is the case, why change it? Where does he get his info? In a recent survey 77% of those asked wanted Coppers not Robbers.
    “Perhaps `running scared of the anti lobby’ is too strong a phrase, but there hasn’t been the overt support, until (Transport Secretary) Alistair Darling’s recent statement, saying that the Government is determined to pursue this policy and is not going to bow to the loud minority who are objecting.
    Yes it is! So leave the politics to the politicians
    “I would like to see more politicians in the Cabinet, from the Prime Minister down, standing up and saying `The evidence is solid. We are going to do this because it saves lives’.”
    They probably would, if it was.
    Surveys from around the world left no doubt that speed cameras were effective in preventing accidents and that hidden cameras had a greater impact than visible ones in bringing speeds down, said Mr Brunstrom.
    I fail to see how hidden cameras can bring speeds down.
    The decision to paint Britain’s cameras yellow in order to win public acceptance of the scheme had been correct, but it was now time to move on to hidden devices, he said.
    It was correct, don’t mess with something rhats not broken.
    “There is no doubt at all now that speed cameras reduce speed and save death and injury,” said Mr Brunstrom.
    Well why alter it?
    “The decision to paint them yellow was a political decision, taken by the minister because the minister believed that the public wouldn’t support covert cameras at that time.
    He’s too observant.
    “I think the minister was right. The evidence is that they work less well than covert cameras. However, I think he was right that it would be easier to get public support for an overt system.”
    We know that, so he keeps saying.
    But he added: “Is it part of the policy of the Government of this country to save the lives of the electorate? I think it should be.
    Me too, extra policing of the scum that sell smack to kids.
    “The law in this case is here for the purpose of saving lives and we ought to have much more leadership, much more determination that we are going to do this.
    He wants to be PM.
    “We ought to be looking at going to the Australian and New Zealand model of more comprehensive use of cameras – and not all visible – covert cameras in due course.”
    Does he want to use covert cameras?
    Mr Brunstrom said the number of officers dedicated to traffic duties had fallen significantly over the past decade due to the Government decision to prioritise other areas of police work.
    Thank you… Cash machines have put them out of work, and what’s wrong with other crimes been policed?
    “Police resources have drifted slowly away from road policing because that is the Government’s intention,” he said.
    He is so repetitive.
    While the number of injuries caused by vehicle accidents was falling, “the number of deaths is not going down”, said Mr Brunstrom.
    Define deaths, does he still mean vehicle related, or should we be educating the pedestrians
    “That may be partly because of the constraints placed on us as a police service by the existing Government rules.”
    Guilty as admitted!!

    What a load of blox!

    Best Regards
    Stuart XV16

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    I never knew that amount of crap could exude from one person!

    The roads are my race track!!


    He’s only just getting started. This man can dish it out. Any decent bloke in his position would have submitted their resignation after the drug announcement he came out with.

    Besides why does he need covert scams? I was emailed this pic.
    Covert or what?

    Best Regards
    Stuart XV16

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    What is that in the pic, XV?


    It’s a Brunstronian Talivan: Working well within the guidelines (not) They should be visible to all road users….

    Best Regards
    Stuart XV16

    Please note that some of the comments and articles posted may not represent my views or the views of FORUM99 and its moderators.



    Brunstromian……… Better than posting T**
    Private joke.

    Best Regards
    Stuart XV16

    Please note that some of the comments and articles posted may not represent my views or the views of FORUM99 and its moderators.



    and from Mid Wales…

    The number of road accidents in the Gwendraeth Valley has increased since speed cameras were installed.

    Figures published in an independent report by the University College London show that accident casualty rates have risen in two locations where cameras have been installed.

    Accidents on the A484 in Burry Port have risen since cameras were put in.

    Last year, the number of deaths and serious injuries on the road increased from an average 1.7 per year in the three years leading up to 2002 to of three in 2003.

    On the A476 at Gorslas Square, the study found the number of serious accidents increased from an average of 0.7 per year to two.

    Both cameras were installed in April 2002.

    The figures are in contrast to the national picture which revealed that the number of accidents across the country had fallen by an average of 40 per cent since in places where cameras were installed.

    John Rowling, manager of the Mid and South Wales Safety Camera Partnership, praised the role of the cameras and said – as a whole – they were helping to prevent accidents.

    He said: “What this report has found is that accidents in 10 per cent of the camera sites in our area have either gone up or stayed the same.

    “This means that we have had a 90 per cent success rate where accidents have been lowered by the use of cameras.

    “We shall be looking at the remaining 10 per cent and take action to address the situation.

    “The number of accidents in the report are very small, they might not have been caused by speed.”

    Gorslas county councillor and chair of the community council Terry Davies disputed the findings of the report claiming the addition of a speed camera at the village square has greatly improved safety on the notoriously busy section of road.

    He said: “I am not in favour of them but, as far as I’m concerned, the camera definitely slows traffic down as it approaches the junction.

    “It is such a busy junction and the community council has been working on improving safety at the spot for a long time.”

    Best Regards
    Stuart XV16

    Please note that some of the comments and articles posted may not represent my views or the views of FORUM99 and its moderators.


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