Radar is back!!

Home Forums BikeMeet Cafe Radar is back!!

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    Been on me hollies with wifey and the sprogs. Sorry for no posts. I am knackered as I have a difficult journey home – car packed up! Knew that I should of taken the T Cat or RS!
    I will stick some posts down over te next few days have no fears!


    Radar good to have you back,hope you got car fixed fast sh*t happens
    hope your hols went well not much going on here at the moment.
    I myself am away from work for two weeks, just catching up on a few things around home.
    Hopinge to take a ride with julie on her duke monday to snetterton as we have some freinds that are track daying there thought we could make a day out of it,dont get out together much both kids now growing up a bit,so more fun to come.
    My self and two mates went to swafam [west drayton airfeild]guy called terry has opend a supermoto practise track WOW that was real good will be there again on the 27th of this month realy did not think you could push a bike that hard without falling off,and i was the slowest rider there.
    tell us wot went wrong with your car
    did you have AA/rac or just coff up for garage
    good to see you came back to the forum


    How much for the practice track Cookeye? You can tell him he’s free to advertise his track on the forum if he wants in the meetings section. Prices and opening times would be good info.

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