on my own

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  • #12815
    spanish biker

    lets hear a big aahh for me the missis has gone over to u.k. for a week to see her mum ,lucky sod i hear, but she left me with 3 pigs 10 piglets, 30 chickens, 40 odd rabbits, 50 love birds, 8 parrot things, 4 dogs, a prairie dog, and a kwati, and a load of plants to water, im even knackered writing this, so think yourselves lucky e.h.[]

    GSF K1

    Put all of the animals in the same room together and see what walks out in the end.. survival of the fittest… then blame it on the Sangria!

    spanish biker

    she would kill me !! i have been warned,[]


    Hope she’s taken her wellies…….


    The waters are receeding now! Cue hose pipe ban….

    spanish biker

    jest ye not my friend, for it is written in the book of sods law under ,what to do after 3 days sun.
    we were woken up this morning to thunder and a quick shower,didnt even wet the car screen but hell it did thunder.

    spanish biker

    jest ye not my friend, for it is written in the book of sods law under ,what to do after 3 days sun.
    we were woken up this morning to thunder and a quick shower,didnt even wet the car screen but hell it did thunder.

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