Old guy gets young thing.

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    Yes after passing my CBT in September and saving me pennies I’ve bought a YBR 125, trying to ride all I can to gain experience and just enjoy it. The two larger bikes belong to my colleagues, young single men who passed their tests about the same time. The teasing about ‘my tyres are bigger than yours’ etc can get a tad irritating, luckily there seems to be plenty of other bikers out there giving me the nod. The very loose plan is to keep this while I enjoy it then take a few lessons then test and something a little bigger for longer journeys. On my fourth day of riding this week I left the choke open while riding home, I thought it sounded good for a 125 until I relised halfway.


    Looks nice mate, hope you have fun on it.

    PS My tyres are bigger than yours []



    Originally posted by imperialdata
    PS My tyres are bigger than yours []

    So are mine![]

    Looks good Mattzappa, and above all it is a Yamaha!

    Enjoyed scrolling through your other photos too, nicely composed shots at Holy Island and the Merlin on a trailer was superb.

    Keep us posted as to your progress


    Nice one Mattzappa,
    I hope the weather is not hapering you opportunity to get out and about too much.
    Have fun mate.


    The weather this week has been good, managed to use it for work all week, got tossed about a bit by wind but very enjoyable.
    https://www.flickr.com/photos/mattzappa is site I load pics from up here on if anyone is interested.


    nice little bike mattzappa []


    some cracking pictures on your site too []


    Took the bike out on its first long run today, 90 mile on long sweeping roads ( with small tyres )in the Northumberland hills. Bike was fine, coasted along at 50 – 60mph, although thinking I was wearing ‘the right gear’ I quickly realised that my feet were bloody frozen. Lot of lessons learnt today. Start reading up for my theory test next.



    Originally posted by mattzappa

    Took the bike out on its first long run today, 90 mile on long sweeping roads ( with small tyres )in the Northumberland hills. Bike was fine, coasted along at 50 – 60mph, although thinking I was wearing ‘the right gear’ I quickly realised that my feet were bloody frozen. Lot of lessons learnt today. Start reading up for my theory test next.

    Sounds like you are getting some real enjoyment out of the little Yam. Keep us updated and put the picture back up!


    Ok don’t laugh, but the hell can I find a ‘kill’ switch on this bike, is this legal?


    I bet it’s there somewhere! Not sure about the legalities of not having one mate. Perhaps someone can help here?


    The kill switch is the engine run switch on one of your handlebar switch blocks. Flick this to off and even with the key in and the engine running the bike will turn off instantly, hence “kill” switch. Most bikes have them, although my CB100N didn’t. Not sure about the YBR to be honest

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