off road track days

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    []ok lets play on dirt
    lots of folks go on track days but few think about trying thier dirt bikes on practise tracks is it coz they dont know its possible
    tomorow well later today now my m8 and i are going into essex to north weald to a enduro practise track 20 pound for the day turn up and ride your bike till you had all your body can take i will post about my day when i come back from thios place should go to bed now


    so we set off at 9.30 got there at 11.15 spoke to a guy that told us we where the only riders for the day that he new of. Have you ridden off road traks befor are you happy to go off on your own and have alook about oh yes ! no probs mate i managed to use one and a half tanks of fuel and had a great day without falling off
    The track we visited today is run by
    these guys teach novice riders to ride off road and you can hire every thing you need from them boots bike cloths etc you just bring your own balls or bits go on you know you want to
    Take a look at the web site
    the track gets full marks from me plenty of room for run off if you are lerning should you get it wrong and a way round every thing that may bother a novice


    sorry if you tryd to look at web site had to alter it a bit my mistake but its ok now


    How much was it mate? Sounds great

    Biking is relative


    Sounds brilliant fun and thanks for the excellent feedback. I have to go to Northumberland to visit family over the weekend,but will check out the website when I get back. As a trackday virgin I need to get a fix of this kind of action soon!! Don’t think it will be this year though as things are pretty busy for me over the next couple of months.


    i took my own bike and just rode the track it cost £20 and worth every penny
    Just make time take a day of work do it better take two days off coz it will make you ach real bad if its a new diciplin for your body

    if you look om the web site i think you can hire the bike and cloths with instructor for £125 for the day having had several dirt bikes of my own i thnk this is a very fair price considering the abuse they get
    go on do it they have a few differant bikes so that they can find one for every bodys abbilitys


    Hi cookey i was wondering if teenegers were allowed on the track because my 13 year old has a yam 125 and wanted to go on the trak.


    Sorry i mised your arival but welcome in
    I dont think they have any age restrictions but give them a call they are real nice folk, I will be taking my 14 year old one day even if he has to be 16 for the day[]
    The track is good for all abillitys so best of luck.
    Do you ride off road.

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