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    you must be saving them for the cold nights that are coming been dooing a bit of riding latley will come back soon and tell you about wot ive been upto bit late now.
    would be nice if some of our sleeping members came out just to say hi[]


    Just been out on my T cat for the first time in ages. Knocked up 60 enjoyable miles heading over to Brum and back to meet up with some mates. One has an old Z550 Kaawasaki and Yam SRX400. he let me out on both! Great fun! No biking for ages – then 3 in one night.
    I presume many memebers are out on holiday somewhere, if it was on a bike let us know how it went. I havn’t done any touring for years (1987) and need some ideas.
    Look forward to hearing your tales Cookeye.


    Yep, weather is getting a bit chilly and the warmth of a pc being used might even tempt a few away from those handlebars!


    You are absolutely right, I’ve got a warm PC on right now.
    I’ve just had a great 5 week holiday in Austria on the bike. Great roads, great people and a great holiday. Oh and great food too. Seems very cold to come back here. Must dig out the thermals.
    Anyone else seen Austria?


    Sounds fantastic, I have never been to Austria so give us more details!
    What do you for a living to get five weeks holiday? Teach?[]


    @Bellyboy: Yes, I’ve been to Austria about 9 or 10 times now on various holidays. Mostly on the bike too. The country is one of my favourites and you’re right about the people and the food. What always strikes me is how clean the place is. Some of the mountain roads are the best I’ve ever seen for bikes. Where were you holidaying?

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