New ariund here

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    Hello all. What do I ride? An 85 Honda CBX750F…….don’t larf! Actually its a nice comfy bike and has the “legs” for longer the longer journey. Still a nice little scratcher if you want to hustle it round the twisties and it’ll top just over 130 odd mph which is more than fast enough for me. Got nothing against modern sportsbikes, but I don’t want to ride on something with a riding position of space hopper shagging proportions! No, think I’ll stick with the CBX or RC17 to give it its other name.


    Hi Baz. I loved the CBX when it came out and still do. Never knew it was called RC17, was that the prototype name?


    RC17 is the model number. Theres quite a following for the old bike. A good site is Loads of info re tuning and history ‘n’stuff.


    Hi Barry and welcome. That’s a real classic you’ve got there, hold onto it. I sold mine 5 years ago and regretted it since. I thought at the time that it was too rough to repair and too old to get the bits for but there seems to be bits everywhere if you are prepared to look hard.


    It is getting to be a bit of a classic now. I try and keep it clean and up together. Had quite a few people take interest in the bike while out and about.
    Not had any probs so far getting parts for it. Just had to renew the brushes in the starter. My local Honda dealer had them in stock. I’m told the engine is used in a later model. So hopefuly spares in that dept will be readily available. For the usual service stuff I find M&P carry a fair amount. Just replacing the cam chain at the moment as the rattle was getting on my nerves. If I knew how to post a picture on this thing I would.


    Try the help section on the main page. You can only link to a picture of your bike if it is stored somewhere on the Web, eg a homepage or another site. The picture will then display in the message.

    PS My cam chain rattled like hell for 5000 miles!


    Well if I got the tags worked out right this should work!



    Nice looking example. Classic Motorcycle Mechanics ran a feature on a Italian spec CBX last month. Single headlight set up similar to the VF1000 Bol dor.
    Honda used the CBX750 engine in the recent CB750 (Nighthawk in US) until about 18 months ago. A chap I know runs one and has clocked in excess of 100k on it. Might be good for bits, but it is a lower state of tune I think.
    Welcome to the forum and keep us posted about the CBX.

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