It feels SO good…

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    For a variety of reasons I have not been able to get out my bike for a couple of months, but yesterday I managed to drag out the Thundercat and go for a thrash! Only 30 minutes or so, but it felt so brilliant just to be out there!
    Thats it…


    Well done Radar, just enough time to freeze your bits and remember what biking is all about :-P

    chris snell

    got to admit i’m gonna keep mine wrapped up nice and snug untill the summer . i’m getting a bit of pressure from the misses to get it out so she can have the car all the time[V]


    Wheeled out the Varadero yesterday (8th Feb) for a quick blast, went in to get me gear on and it started to hailstone! In she went for another day…Oh…hum…


    Hey, Chris. Don’t complain if the missus wants you to ride your bike!

    chris snell

    Hey dont get me wrong i love to ride when ever i can but riding to my works is a nightmare when i get home. i have to clean all the god dam salt off. in the winter i think my company use more salt in one frosty night than the suffolk county council use in a winter its a pitty i didn’t take any photo’s just to show everybody.

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