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  • #15756

    My ferking winter hack Kawasaki wont start…my allegedly temperamental MV…first stab of the button…Grrr

    Its raining in any case…hey ho


    My ferking winter hack Kawasaki wont start…my allegedly temperamental MV…first stab of the button…Grrr

    Its raining in any case…hey ho

    Can’t really complain when you’ve got a garage-full to choose from, Radar!!  :

    My 4th ride out of the year was in glorious Forest sunshine – the gremlins that marred last weekend’s outing had gone, so the twitchy tyres just added a bit of adrenaline rather than a bucketful of terror…         


    My ferking winter hack Kawasaki wont start…my allegedly temperamental MV…first stab of the button…Grrr

    Its raining in any case…hey ho

    Can’t really complain when you’ve got a garage-full to choose from, Radar!!  :

    My 4th ride out of the year was in glorious Forest sunshine – the gremlins that marred last weekend’s outing had gone, so the twitchy tyres just added a bit of adrenaline rather than a bucketful of terror…         

    I count my blessing everyday, it just struck me as funny as the bike I specifically bought for this sort of weather decided to throw a strop!

    Glad you got some quality miles in!


    I count my blessing everyday, it just struck me as funny as the bike I specifically bought for this sort of weather decided to throw a strop!

    Glad you got some quality miles in!

    Better trade that mis-behaving Kwacker in for your next bike then!
    Harley or GS? Hmmm, what a conundrum!!   


    I count my blessing everyday, it just struck me as funny as the bike I specifically bought for this sort of weather decided to throw a strop!

    Glad you got some quality miles in!

    Better trade that mis-behaving Kwacker in for your next bike then!
    Harley or GS? Hmmm, what a conundrum!!   

    I went to check over the Kwack tonight to see what amiss…but I will give it a try first. Started first time…

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