Invisible man gets pulled over

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    Got to share this. Was pulled over a few days back while coming home. There was me up front on the KTM 625, Thumper on his Firestorm and Toggsy on his ZX6R. Had not long had my bike and had been giving it a bit of a thwack but slowed down in the 30 and 40 zones. It had gone midnight so I suppose we were a bit of a target. I saw the blue lights in the relatively pathetic mirror and wondered if it was me they were after. I was riding at the speed limit but apparently Toggsy, who was bringing up the rear, said he had to do 120 to catch the police car up. Get your speedo checked Toggsy []
    Anyway, I pulled in to a layby where the 2 cops got out and came over. I removed the helmet out of courtesy (and to show I am not a spotty youth, more of an ageing, sensible pipe-and-slipper-wearing kind of guy). Good cop 1 then radios through to do a vehicle check.
    “Is this your bike sir?”
    “The registration is showing as non-existent”
    “Ah” I said “I think you’ll find it’s not” to which I dropped my hand into the pocket of my leather and pulled out a 45 Magnum my HPI document which I had picked up a few days previously.
    To cut a long story short, the HPI was all fine on the registration of the bike, it’s just that the previous owner had had a lovely little plate made which really suited the bike. With the wrong bloody letters on it! Actually, to paraphrase Eric Morecambe, they were the right letters but not necessarily in the right order. Doh!
    As the cops were good guys (and I sense bikers), they chatted a bit about the bike noting the red-hot tyres, before warning me to get the plate changed and letting me go on my way. Genuinely good policing, nice to see.

    Needless to say I have changed the plate and put the original full size one back on. It looks less attractive but if it stops me from getting pulled over then it has to be done. I’m now riding round feeling as inconspicuous as the invisible man.

    On my tall, loud orange single cylinder 625…..


    Ah all’s well that ends well eh mate?


    I see you got off lightly then, I got FNP for my plate today, tried to do me for can oo but I pointed out that nowhere does it say “not for road use” or “race use only”, his attitude was shite, ok I had small plate but he was doing his best to find summat else to screw me over, thats what pissed me off.[:(!]


    Sorry to hear that. Attitude is everything really, gets people to say things they don’t want to say out loud. That’s why I mentioned the phrase ‘good policing’, it’s far too easy to make up the numbers (ie targets) on the fines and doc producing.

    Speed Monster


    Originally posted by imperialdata

    Sorry to hear that. Attitude is everything really, gets people to say things they don’t want to say out loud. That’s why I mentioned the phrase ‘good policing’, it’s far too easy to make up the numbers (ie targets) on the fines and doc producing.

    Never a truer word said I.D.!!


    Good on ya ID! Bummer for you Gix Lol! :(

    GSF K1

    When I bought my Bandit, the shop made up a new No plate and got it wrong.. mixed up two of the letters.. also got it wrong on the mot slip.. nonses!

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