Hi From India

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    Hi !
    Happy new year to you. Just stumbled across this site , and dropped by to say howdy !

    Ange M

    Hi there and welcome, not been on here very long myself but they seem to be a great crowd!!!!!!

    GPZ500s rider from Skegness


    Howdy back to you, Diablo. First time we’ve ever had a cowboy greeting from an Indian!

    Welcome to the forum and besides a few lousy jokes (mostly on my part) they’re a great bunch on here, as Ange rightly pointed out. We’re really interested to find out what biking is like over there, our media often gives us a bad impression of the roads and driving in India. Could you give us a quick summary to set the record straight?


    Welcome aboard Diablo, really interested to know what bikes are still being manufactured in India. I rode an Enfield 500 in England about 10 years ago and really enjoyed the experience.
    My local bike shop here in the UK is a dealer for them, and they sit there alonside Yamaha R1s and suchlike.
    At the recent bike show here in Birmingham on their stand was some modified models for sportier riding. Do you get these models in India too?


    hi,there r some bikes which come in through the import route,there r some R1,busa and ninjas here but not substiantial.roads have improved like anything and many r compatible with roads anywhere in the world.i will post the link of a recent meet we had near delhi.

    1987 Yamaha RD 350B
    In first gear whack the throttel.


    Thanks for the warm welcome folks ! Imperial, i’ve grown up reading Sudden and Louis L’amours, so I guess the cowboy lingo has crept in. If you want I can write gramatically correct english, but that would be boring

    Radar, Enfields are still very much in production here in India. Its a classic bike, and is here what the Harleys are over there in Europe and America. In fact, these bikes are the bikes with the largest engines here ( start from 350cc upto 500cc ). The closest competitor to the Enfields or Bullets ( shortened to Bulls for easy writing ) is the Hero Honda Karizma , a 223 cc bike. But comparisons of these bikes would be wrong as the Bulls are classic thumpers, while the Karizma falls under the street bike or sports tourer category .

    Majorly the bikes available here are small bikes. Mostly , except for an adrenalline rush, you really would not be able to use the huge powers of bikes like R1 etc on the roads here.

    The biking community I would say is in its infancy here. Till a few years back most people used the bikes for commuting, as it is the cheapest mode of transport . The public transport is not ususally liked by people as much of it is ineffective, apart from the big metropolitan cities. Mumbai has a very good rail transport system, and delhi has good buses.

    Imperialdata (can I call you ID ? its lots easier to type ) , if you could let me know what impressions you have about Indian riding, it would be easier to post. I could go on and on rambling, but it may not answer your questions ! So shoot ! Ask me !



    Welcome Rajnish, hope you enjoy the forum.

    Hi Diablo sorry for the cowboy joke, couldn’t resist!

    To quote one of Forum99’s moderators from a recent post on Xbhp,
    “The impression we get from documentaries on India is that cars and bikes seem to ride anywhere they like on the road. It can’t be that bad all over can it? Please don’t take this as an insult if it’s not true, it’s just the impression we have from the (usually unreliable) UK media.”

    Please enlighten us on your roads, your bikes and your government’s attitude to bikes, we have no idea and would like to learn much more!

    And please call me ID, only my mother calls me Imperial Data…..


    Hi, no offence taken !!!

    I have posted there also .. and my post there was :
    “Unforutnately its very true.
    I am living in Pune now, and the traffic sense is non existant. Its a nightmare travelling here.. bad roads add to the mayhem. Compared to this place, Bangalore is relatively much better, but still you will get a shock on your first day here “

    I think it would be scary for you, but since we have been living with this for a very very long time, its kind of inbuilt into our system !



    thanks for the welcome.the traffic decipline is lacking,tht’s true,but roads of the big cities have improved a lot specially of the capital delhi and areas around it,it is definately not as good as europe.

    1987 Yamaha RD 350B
    In first gear whack the throttel.


    I don’t get to ride my bikes as often as I would like, but try to go for a thrash with some friends when I get some time up in the Welsh hills and mountains. I have posted on this site under “Great Biking Roads” a story about one of these rides called “Try these”. Have a read if you get time. Many UK riders do this and track days are very popular too, Cookeye has posted alot of interesting stuff under Supermoto and there are some good links in that section too.


    We don’t have speed cameras … but… we really can’t do justice to speeds !

    At least not with the current produced bikes. I know some stretches where I am going flat out at 110kmph on my bike , crowched low over the tank, the chest touching the fuel cap, and wishing i hade more horses under me

    Checked out the writeup..



    110km/h feels quick on any bike when you’re flat out on the tank!


    What’s a Kilometre? Only joking but I think going prone is the only way to ride, whatever the bike. You can really gain an extra few mph (or kph) that way. You’ve always got to beat your last attempt!



    Originally posted by 666beast

    What’s a Kilometre? Only joking but I think going prone is the only way to ride, whatever the bike. You can really gain an extra few mph (or kph) that way. You’ve always got to beat your last attempt!

    The company specifies that the bike’s topend is 105. Initially that was all i could do… then i started crouching. 110 is normal now, 115 sometimes. 120 twice… (helped by a downward gradient [] )



    They say in the UK that all speedos are calibrated to allow for errors of up to 10% either way. 105 + 10% = 115.5 so anything over this is great.

    And prone is cool

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