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    Hi, just wondering if any of you would be able to help me. My mother-in-law is looking for her first bike and likes the look of a 250 virago that she has found. It is a reasonable price, but i know nothing about them, any advice?
    Also, it needs new down pipe, rear wheel needs respoke, and a new gasket on one of the cylinders, pricey probs? Also it’s a noisy starter.
    I would appreciate your views.
    Sassy x

    GSX Rat

    personal opinion – noisy starting, as long as it starts no problem, haven’t they got a kcik start anyway if the starter fails. Downpipes and a wheel should be available from breakers or ebay and by gasket do you mean head or exhaust, either way not a massive job. How cheap is it, if its a bargain then i’d have it, but use these faults to try and get some more cash off

    Oh, and paint it matt black []

    GSX750 Ratfighter / SR125 Rat / GSX600F / Beamish250 / Honda70 Rat

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!


    I guess it all boils down to price and what you can do mechanically. I’d check out the garage prices unless it is you who will do the gasket? Also, you mentioned nothing about the brakes but then I saw it was for the mother-in-law…..
    Let us know what you decide.

    Oh, and painting it matt black sounds pretty cool

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