Grrrr lucky sods!

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    Had a few texts from Radar, the buggers are really enjoying the hairpin after hairpin after hairpin of European mountain roads, the 140+mph of the more northern straightish A roads the have done 1200 miles of “gods tarmac”. Few glitches tho, Radar has had to have a puncture repaired, Toggsy had to strip and clean his carbs, and Crowey had to replace his brake pads, but they are all luvvin it! buggers lol they better have some good pictures to post up!


    Sounds like the Le Mans 24 hour with those speeds and all that time in the pits.

    Let’s not talk about it when they get back.

    Jealous, me?


    Bonsoir mon amee,glad to say were all back safe and sound.ID and Gix youve got to do this….



    Originally posted by Digger

    Bonsoir mon amee,glad to say were all back safe and sound.ID and Gix youve got to do this….

    yes, I do, but its going to be a few years yet till a) finances allow and b) kids allow


    Back in one piece, 2300 miles of pure biking heaven. Great roads, great company, great times. About the best biking I have ever done. Full review and pictures to follow when I had a chance to get my heead together and take it all in.



    ID and Gix youve got to do this….

    I did it every year for about 14 years until the kids came along mate, that’s why I’m so bloody jealous!

    Glad to hear that you had a good ride. Hope Toggsy managed to keep up.


    I would just like to thank the new commers AKA Tggsy,Radar,Neil
    for the PRIME TIME they shared with the boys on the France 2007 trip.
    Nice to have new blood on the trip and you where a pleasure to ride,drink and generaly to take the piss with thanks for a great time excellent company hope to have many more with you all,
    Here is to France 2008 ride safe looking forward to Radars writeup.



    Originally posted by prezzo

    I would just like to thank the new commers AKA Tggsy,Radar,Neil
    for the PRIME TIME they shared with the boys on the France 2007 trip.
    Nice to have new blood on the trip and you where a pleasure to ride,drink and generaly to take the piss with thanks for a great time excellent company hope to have many more with you all,
    Here is to France 2008 ride safe looking forward to Radars writeup.

    Cheers Prezzo it was the best 10 days biking that I have enjoyed by far and it was great to to welcomed by Towcrowe,Digger, Darren, Neil and yourself so warmly. The trip has been hard to capture in words, hence the delay in posting. But part 1, the trip to the South of france will be going on shortly!
    Cheers for the 150 miles on the R1 BTW!!

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