Fladbury Bike Night….Piccies!

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    I finally managed to get to an evening bike meet! After missing on the local bike meets over the last couple of years I am so pleased to have got to one at last. Mind you on the ride to work yesterday I wasn’t so pleased I was on the bike…it was pouring down and guess which bright spark had forgotten his waterproofs? Yep…me! Its really great fun spending 20 minutes locked in the disabled bog in the office trying to blow dry my sodden shirt under the luke warm hand driers!

    However the ride over to Fladbury after work was excellent as my old mucker Stu joined me on his GS1200. He knows the local twisties in Oxfordshire/Worcestershire well I had great fun on the Thundercat tucked in behind him. Our somewhat convoluted route even took us past an ex RAF Vulcan bomber at Wellsbourne.

    We were amongst the first to get to The Anchor pub for the meeting. It is situated slap bang in the middle of a beautiful, sleepy Worcestershire village. Not so sleepy tonight it has to said! Bike after bike rolled in. All shapes, sizes and types…sports bikes like the mighty H2R Kawasaki, classics from Velocette to RD500s and loads of chops, trikes and specials….a superb impromptu bike show in fact. The bikes soon spread out into local streets and even the next pub down…quite a sight.

    Ellismo rolled up to join us on his recently acquired Triumph Tiger Explorer, followed shortly by Katana on his gleaming Fireblade. We had a good old natter and look around the bikes as two charming ladies collected for the Air Ambulance fund. There was also a bar-be-cue flogging lovely chilli burgers and curry.

    So all in all a superb night in good company and great to see many bikers in such a lovely setting and loads of cash being generated for a great cause…can’t be bad!

    Anyway a few pics

    The big E rocks up on the big T!   

    Beautifully modified RD350 YPVS, very trick and well engineered

    No threat to the skin of rice puddings, the Honda CB250N Superdream

    Not my thing, but impressive all the same

    The beast provided a stark contrast to mine and Stu’s largely stock bikes

    One is never enough

    RD500…I would still love to own one of these…this example was pretty much stock and in great nick without being over restored   

    These two chops were pretty radical

    Stunning GT550

    The trusty CX500, I used to dispatch ride on these…they did not shine like this one though!

    Six appeal…there was at least one other CBX there and a Z1300 too

    It wouldn’t be a bike meet without a GT750   

    and a trike…

    The local boy band…Partners in Crime….

    Bikes everywhere!

    Me want…

    Suzuki X4…new one on me   

    NSU, I really liked this..bike of the night for me in a weird way

    I think the big E was really tempted by this Suzzy


    Good report, Radar: caught the atmosphere well…. Congratulations on making it down south for a Bikernite at last.

    If that Suzi had been the DR350 I would have been even more interested!

    Strangely, I think those DR650s are used on that Ecuador route that I keep harping on about. Though not with such a fancy paint job… 


    Good report, Radar: caught the atmosphere well…. Congratulations on making it down south for a Bikernite at last.

    If that Suzi had been the DR350 I would have been even more interested!

    Strangely, I think those DR650s are used on that Ecuador route that I keep harping on about. Though not with such a fancy paint job… 

    God knows how I am going to get enough brownie points to pull off Ecuador! It was a cracking night, such a diverse range of bikes

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