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    from the Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations

    17th March 2004

    EU Third Road Safety Action Programme
    FEMA recommends solutions to improve motorcycle safety

    With the Third Road Safety Action Programme, the European Commission is setting a very ambitious goal: halving the number of deaths on European roads by 2010. FEMA welcomes this document, and promotes recommendations to improve motorcyclists safety in the areas of road user behaviour, safety of vehicles, and road infrastructure.

    From the early stage of its drafting, FEMA worked on having motorcyclists points included in the document. And we follow the matter through the democratic process to make sure that our recommendations, the resolutions and opinions stated by the EP and the EU Governments in the general White Paper on EU Transport Policy, are taken into consideration.

    FEMA supports the EP resolution that the EU Road Safety paper should focus on solutions to reduce high risks for motorcyclists, and concentrate on improved mobility for (…) motorcyclists through institutional investment, subsidies and legislation reflecting this preference. The EU Governments also underlined the urgent need to give special attention to the needs of vulnerable road users – such as pedestrians, motorcycle riders, moped riders, and cyclists, (…) – which should be duly reflected in Member States road safety policies.

    Having achieved this, FEMA developed recommendations related to motorcycle safety, to improve the situation on the different areas defined in the document.

    The aspect of road user behaviour should include, amongst others, proper consideration on the way to provide an intitial rider training of quality. FEMA conducted a EU funded project, which spotted the shortcomings of the existing training schemes across Europe, and recommended important elements such as hazard awareness and avoidance, and rider attitude and behaviour to be included in the rider training schemes. Currently, FEMA is proposing to conduct a EC funded project which will develop a European model to be used by all Member States.

    FEMA asks that road infrastructure, when developed, meet the specific needs of all road users, including motorcyclists. This means of course rider-friendly design of crash barriers. This was also the subject of a EU funded project undertaken by FEMA, and proposing improved designs and alternatives to make them safer for riders. We also support the EC proposal for a harmonised system to identify black spots, and making motorcyclists aware of the dangers in certain traffic situations.

    FEMA is convinced that active safety is the key element to safer motorcycling. On the other hand, motorcycles have gained much in terms of safety in they way they are built. This allows the rider, who has been properly trained, to benefit from the enhanced optional technologies such as anti-lock braking systems. We therefore argue in favour of them being progressively available as optional and affordable equipments on all motorcycles.

    The full text of FEMA response to the Road Safety Action Programme can be downloaded on: https://www.fema.kaalium.com/issues/docs/RSAPFEMApos.PDF

    For more information, please contact Antonio Perlot at FEMA office.

    Best Regards
    Stuart XV16

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