Europe June 2016 Part 1 – Damp Pants, Big Pizzas, Huge Forts and no we Didn’t

Home Forums Biking abroad Europe June 2016 Part 1 – Damp Pants, Big Pizzas, Huge Forts and no we Didn’t

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    The post have been moved to our Blog and Travel sections and can be found here


    Good atmospheric report, Radar!! Great roads and good beer: sounds like fun was had…

    I’ve never ridden in Germany, though a close mate owns a vineyard on the Mosel so Debs is angling for a visit…         


    Good atmospheric report, Radar!! Great roads and good beer: sounds like fun was had…

    I’ve never ridden in Germany, though a close mate owns a vineyard on the Mosel so Debs is angling for a visit…         

    Cheers, more to follow over the next week or so.

    We barely scratched the surface really, Germany is huge. We did go to the Mosel valley so watch this space

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