DVLA – Fortress Northampton

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  • #12645
    Col Callan

    Hi there – DVLA Northampton have been trying to extricate £40 then £80 with menaces of court for what they called an un-SORN’ed / taxed bike from last year. The short version is tax went out eo Sept. I SORN’ed it before eo Sep in local PO.

    December a demand for £40 – I respond with recordeed delivery letter copying receipted SORN to Northampton.

    This week demand for £80 turns up threatening court action. I respond with copy of Dec letter plus same collateral (SORN with PO receipt) – via Special delivery. i.e. its tracked.

    Very nice lady just phoned me today to tell me that they’d considered all of my evidence and that it wasn’t satisfactory and they were cashing the cheque. They had no record of any correspondence in Dec. Also seems that they had no record of a SORN being registered at the post office.

    Just about to end the call and I asked her if she had read the date on the Post office-receipted SORN that I had sent as evidence – “No” was the answer.
    “Oh it’s the day before your tax ran out” she says – “Oh that’s OK then, case closed”
    How many poor saps get caught for £80 + o/s license by the official line? – “evidence not accepted “ when they haven’t even read the evidence ? [:(!]

    Also this means that the link between the Post office and the DVLA is suspect – This goes to support evidence from time I spent on a congestion charging job a few years ago that DVLA’s records are circa 40% inaccurate.

    Lesson – Keep any SORNs and the post office receipt safe !!!
    DVLA ? [:o)]’s
    Off for a small camomile


    Nice one. It’s always worth logging things like this on the Web for other people to read. How many others have paid this without contesting it?

    The current SORN system is far from foolproof

    GSF K1

    Keep copies of ALL official paperwork & receipts!!!!!


    I agree the sorn system is a bit crap, recently i’ve had similar situations (im also in northants) but the first letter has sorted it out.

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