Creating a custom in just four hours…If Tetley Made Petrol Tanks…

Home Forums Members’ bikes Creating a custom in just four hours…If Tetley Made Petrol Tanks…

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    The clock is clicking down now to the big day of the ‘Speed-Build’. I have been looking at the 550 tonight and decided to clean some of the winter crud off the brake caliper housings and engine block. That went ok, but my efforts to freshen up the calipers before the build didn’t go well…my garage is just too cold an environment in which to paint stuff and I am cack handed with stuff like that in any case. I will leave at removing the crud for now and take it from there! One of the exhaust clamps had worked loose too….the exhaust has been off the bike recently and the vibes on the long run home last weekend must of taken their toll. I had to tighten up up the exhaust collars a little, so ordering a couple of new collets and nuts, just in case seemed prudent!

    Chilly in the garage, hence the snazzy rug!

    Less positive is the news that my donor tank has more holes than your average tea bag. I am all for letting the flavour flood out, but petrol is not so clever! This means that the somewhat battered tank on the Kwack currently might have to used after all, meaning that Ben the painter will have to use his fertile imagination to work all the dings and dents into his work, unless anybody out there has a perfect 550 tank kicking about for peanuts!? The lad is top talent, so I am confident he will make the bike look the business whatever way we go. He even has a website now, so make sure you check it out!

    More holes than your average T bag!

    Mark at Naked Speed and String of Raw Street Choppers are on the case too, so it will all be alright on the night..well afternoon actually, but you know what I mean…

    So not too much longer to wait, the excitement is building, I might even give some hints as to the theme in the next update! Any guesses?

    Ben the has a FB page…


    Can you not pour in one of those tank sealants into the holed tank? Or is it beyond that now?


    Can you not pour in one of those tank sealants into the holed tank? Or is it beyond that now?

    It is beyond that, but String from Raw Street might be able to do something with some metal bashing


    Well the donor tank was too far gone, but Ben at Bareknuckle came up with a great idea for how to use it…it is now a garage ornament for String at Rawstreet…I thing it looks the Mutz Nutz to be honest!

    How cool is that? Thanks to Ben of Bareknuckle for the picture…really intrigued to see what he will do with mine now…


    That is ace!

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