Continuous Taxation for Motorcycles

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    Continuous Taxation for Motorcycles

    Issued 3rd November 2004

    The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG UK) is fighting the proposed introduction of charges for the Annual Registration and Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN) for motorcycles revealed in a consultation document from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA).

    The DVLA are seeking to raise approximately £82M to fund the change to a standardised European license in a move that would see the end of paper licenses in favour of chip-based credit card style licenses as part of an effort to reduce road tax evasion.

    MAG succeeded in persuading Government against introducing continuous taxation of vehicles even when in storage in a previous consultation that resulted in the existing SORN compromise which is currently free. MAG sees the possibility of an annual registration charge for stored vehicles as a form of continuous taxation by another name and fears the fee could rise with the passage of time.

    MAG recognises the advantage of an up to date vehicle record but wishes to see the registration of vehicles in storage remain free.

    Riders of Historic or Classic motorcycles many of whom own more than one vehicle and who are currently exempt from payment of road fund tax will have to pay according to the consultation a maximum of £4.50 for each vehicle. The consultation is not clear if fees for Annual Registration and SORN are separate.

    Trevor Baird MAG Director of Public Affairs asks, “What happens if vehicle keepers pay the annual registration fee and then decide to declare SORN for those vehicles? Do they have to pay another fee to declare SORN for vehicles on top of the Annual Registration fee they have already paid? If they then decide to put those vehicles back on the road, will there be another fee? When would the annual registration fee then be due? We have asked the DVLA to clarify this issue.”

    MAG welcomes the proposed abolition of the fee for a first driving licence under the age of 21 as a means of encouraging the use of sustainable two wheeled transport.

    The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs has organised a petition opposing the principle of an Annual Registration Charge details at

    Rebel with a cause!

    The roads are my race track!!


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