hello just got back from the south of france and while i was there i had the pleasure of driving on two brilliant roads the first is the n114 from argeles to portbou in spain its not the fastest section of road but it twists up and down the mountains , the views are fantastic if you get the chance to actually look , its got everything from hairpins to slow sweeping corners. the second is the d618 from d115 amelle to n116 boulleternere once agian up in the mountains stunning views and winding road. if is in that neck of the woods you must try them out , unfortuneattly i had to do them by car kids and missus and all that you know what its like neverless they were just as good.
Sounds great Chris. I think the UK roads are getting worse as they tighten up the speed limits. Some are ridiculous with 30mph limits where there are no houses, no side roads, no anything. Gets on my tits a bit but what the hell I’ll keep biking till they clamp me!
Just because I don’t care doesn’t mean I’m not listening – Homer Simpson
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