Just a quick 25 mile round trip to the usual haunt at Quattford. I was on the Duke today and was being kept company by Stu on his XC800. This will be one of the last outings for this bike because after much deliberation Stu has decide to trade it in for a new BMW GS1200.
It was a bright, if cold day and I really enjoyed getting out on my lusty, bellowing V twin
Anyway a couple pics for your enjoyment:

Stu and his soon to be replaced Triumph

The cafe lived up to it’s reputation for always providing a mini-bike show, I particularly liked these three classic Brits that rolled in together

Got to love those cooling fins on the front drum brake of the Greeves

The 1960’s cafe racer culture is alive and well, two Brit bikes, outside a trad cafe while their owners slurp tea inside

Stu is a commuter biker, this was his first visit to a bikers cafe…great to get him out and about