Brands Hatch 22nd Oct (Focused Events)

Home Forums Pure Petrolhead Track days Brands Hatch 22nd Oct (Focused Events)

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    Anyone going? I’ll be out in Novice Group at least for the first half of the day

    Ridin me k7 750 gixer and will be my first time on track sinse me off in April


    Be F careful buddy. I can’t make it, but look forward to hearing how you get on


    Will post any pics up of the day when I get back


    Well Brands was awesome! [][][]

    I had such a great day and although there was a lil bit of rain on 1 of my sessions it added to the feeling of achievment for me []

    When I got there the Track looked fantastic with the mornings mist still slightly lingering on the circuit.

    I got there in plenty of time with a full tank of fuel, signed on and then went to get the bike noise tested… The guy took one look at the std can and slapped a sticker on saying PASS was a bit worried coz the current gixers struggle to pass with std cans on some circuits as they 102dB, but this was a noisey day so they allow upto 105dB.

    Prepped the bike; removed numberplate and taped up the lights, mirrors and speedo etc. Then it was the brief (which was very brief[]) And Novice/group1 were out first.

    I was worried bout my tyres, although they are in good nick I don’t/didn’t have a lot of faith in Bridgestone 014’s after dropping me Trumpet in Jan while wearing them but we had 3 compulsory sighting laps, back into the pit lane and then out again for the rest of the 20min session.

    The sighting laps were useless as it was no overtaking and the bike 2 ahead of me was not even remotely keeping up with the rest of the group so I had to work them out for myself and from what my mate (who raced a Triumph 675 this season) had told me[8]

    When we came back into the pits after the first 3 laps I knew my tyres were still very cold so went out for the rest of the session taking it easy and feeling my way round the circuit.

    Even after the full 1st session was complete my tyres were still no way near warm and it was concerning me a bit that the track temp and my lack of speed was going to be an issue.

    The intermediate group went out next and a mate who has just bought a track bike for racing next year went out and when he came back in stated the same about the track still being very cold so I am glad it wasnt just me being a wuss![:I]

    Fast were out after that and another mate was using the day to run in his SRAD race bike and have a few giggles with a guy he was racing against up at Mallory over the weekend in the Race of Champions or whatever it was called…. He’s a nutter, not just on a bike and generally puts a smile on anyones face who meets him… Top bloke he is

    As the day progressed I got more and more confidence in myself and in what the GSX-R750 is capable of and as my pace went up my tyres got hotter and began to look like they should with moulten rubber bobbles etc[] I believe I could have quite easily gone up a group by lunch time as I was going round faster than even the ZX10’s and the like and even getting them on the straights as they really were not trying, I tried to keep my overtakes friendly and not get in anyones way as it can be quite daunting having peeps go round the outside of you knee on the deck around Druids []

    I knew if I went up a group then I would be pushing to catch people ahead of me and just wanted to stay rubberside down so stayed in novices for the full day… Next time I go I’ll start in Novice to just get a feel again but then will move up as it was very frustrating having people brake mid corner or change lines as I was setting myself up to enter a bend.

    An absolutely top day and recommend doing a track day to anyone that wants to find a bit out about the handling of their bike and their own abilities… ALL the novices seemed to be beaming from ear to ear whenever they pulled into the pit after a session well except those that came back in the van with a slightly reshaped bike [:o)]

    I managed to stay on with not even a scare for the whole day and WILL be doing loads of track days next year finances permitting[]

    Just need me some track fairings and a van now[]


    Had a load more but they really all much like these [:I] and didnt wanna bore you all too much []

    Anyway… Get out on track its great []


    Great read matey and fantastic piccies,did oulton park 3 years ago and the experience is thrilling,its great when your tyres reach temp and you go for it(I even passed an FS1E lol)BTW how where the 014`s,I have them on me notice me avatar thats oulton on me ZX9.


    I am not normally a fan of 014’s but they were spot on once they had some heat in them…. On the road they give me no confidence as they just dont get hot enough but after 3 laps even in the chilly temps at Brands they got some heat in and were very well planted. Aparently I was doing 1.04 lap times which I’m pleased about seein as it was me first time there. Imagine next time round (hopefully around Easter time) I’ll be able to do laps in under 1min as it’ll be warmer and will go into Inters, so the track will be clearer as I won’t be catching peeps up so often…. Was lapping a couple of bikes almost every 3 laps! So the traffic was slowing my pace a bit.


    Great review and stunning pictures. You certainly seemed to enjoy stretching the Gixxer. How much was the track day and how many laps did you cover. Do you get a print out of your lap times??

    I have added this report to the Great Posts thread btw


    You sure had some fun there, and have got the bug back after the off in April. Some real good snaps there. Guess being able to push things closer to the limit on the track is much safer than “giving it a go” on the roads. Have Fun!


    The day would have cost £125 but due to me getting a £100 voucher for £50 it only cost me £75!

    Ultimately it prob cost me close on £125 but we dont like to think about the Redbull and fags etc as they ancilleries

    I think throughout the day I must have done around 100miles+ on track so is well worth the money… Just wish I was fully fit and able to go proper hell for leather but better for me at the mo to walk softly softly and survive the day than try too hard and fail!

    On track it gives you the confidence to go harder and not be worrying bout the curbs or cars on the wrong side of the road tryin to kill you… It feels and is so much safer…

    … yeah me last one put me in hospital for a month but if that was on the road the few seconds that it took to get medics to me would have been 30min + if it was on the public highway!

    Also you are repeating the same corners over and over so you learn how is best to take them without worrying bout dodgy lines as if you mess up its a bit of kitty litter rather than a hedge or tree or oncoming car


    The organisers made a big thing about people using lap timers so I guess they frowned upon…

    I got a friend to time me mid point, just before lunch.

    I asked them not to tell me my times till the day was over as it just makes you wanna better them…. ie end up on me arse


    Good value, even at full price. I am not surprised about their stance on lap times. Sensible when you think about it. What standard of leathers, gloves, boots and helmet do you have to wear?


    You have to have a minumum of a 2pc suit that ZIPs all the way round, boots in good conbdition gloves and an ACU stickered full face lid. Amazingly back protectors arnt compulsery!

    Ya bike has to be in good nick and safe


    I love Brands Hatch, that pic in the morning of the empty track reminds me of the BSB/WSB when I’ve been there camping and waking up feeling the excitment in the air and waiting for ya mates to wake so you can start on the beer, only on a trackday you know its YOU out on track and its gonna be YOU scrapping ya knee on the deck round Druids!

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