Biker Friendly Scameras??

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    HUNDREDS of speed cameras across Britain cannot effectively identify motorcyclists despite a rise in biker road deaths.
    Here we go!!
    Speeding bikers are not being “picked up” by so-called Truvelo cameras – 23 of which are in the Yorkshire region – the equipment manufacturer and road safety chiefs have told the Yorkshire Post.
    The £20,000 cameras photograph the front of a speeding vehicle, including the front number plate which is used to trace the driver. But motorbikes do not have front number plates, making it virtually impossible to identify the riders.
    The admission comes just weeks after the Government was forced to defend the spread of speed cameras after new figures showed a rise in deaths on the nation’s roads, motorcyclists being worst hit.
    A total of 693 bikers died on the roads in 2003, a 14 per cent rise on the previous year. Overall, 3,508 people died in road accidents in 2003 – two per cent more than in 2002.
    The RAC Foundation, the lobbying arm of the motoring organisation, is now calling for a rethink on speed cameras.
    Executive director Edmund King said: “This would appear to be a big loophole in the safety policy, if motorcyclists think they have got a free run. All the eggs are going in the speed camera basket and we have other massive problems.”
    He added that motorbike front number plates were not a legal requirement and could be a potential injury hazard for riders and other people if used.
    A spokesman for the British Motorcyclists Federation, Jeff Stone, said it would be virtually impossible to identify riders from photographs taken by front-facing cameras and questioned whether enough resources would be available to track someone down purely on a description.
    But he said cameras had a role to play, particularly in urban areas and near schools, although traffic police were vital as well.
    The general manager of camera manufacturer Truvelo UK, Peter Hill, said: “It is accepted that motorbikes don’t have front number plates, so therefore with Truvelos there are going to be incidents where speeding motorcyclists are not going to be picked up by our cameras. But it is a trade-off.”
    Good of you mate!! can you talk to the MD of Gatso for us?
    He said the big advantage of the cameras was that the police could see who was driving and that the photographs taken were useful for police intelligence gathering. Mr Hill said there were more than 500 of its front-facing cameras across Britain, although not all are active all the time.
    He said the cameras could take photos of the backs of vehicles, although all Yorkshire’s Truvelo cameras are front-facing at present.
    The South Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership, which has seven Truvelos, said: “It is unfortunate that at the moment we can’t identify motorcyclists from Truvelos but we have got to remember that motorcyclists only account for about one per cent of traffic on the road.” Its a revenue thing then!!
    A spokesman said the cameras were useful where a driver’s identity was disputed, and added that the partnership had 11 Gatso cameras which photograph the backs of vehicles. He said most motorcycle deaths happen in more rural areas than South Yorkshire and an education campaign was needed to improve safety.At last!!! Is he talking about pedestrians?
    The West Yorkshire Casualty Reduction Partnership confirmed that its 16 Truvelos could not see rear motorbike number plates but said they were used only at a small faction of its 222 camera sites. “Where Truvelos are used we also use Gatsos, so if one
    doesn’t see you the other will,” a spokesman added. Bugger!
    The national spokeswoman representing safety camera partnerships insisted it was possible to identify riders through clothing and motorbike designs in Truvelo photographs. TRY IT!!
    Susan Beck said the procedure was not easy, but also added that mobile cameras could be set up or high-visibility road policing used where speeding motorcyclists were a problem.
    The Home Office, which approves speed cameras, said Truvelos had successfully identified drivers, while other enforcement tools were available to the police over speeding motorcyclists.
    The Humberside Safety Camera Partnership does not yet have any fixed cameras and was unable to confirm what equipment would be used in future. But it said motorcyclists were a problem in terms of detection and casualties.
    North Yorkshire does not have any speed cameras and is tackling speeding motorcyclists through tough law enforcement. Deaths in the county rose from 23 in 2002 to 28 in 2003, while seven people have been killed so far this year.
    Motorcycle deaths in South Yorkshire fell from 12 to 10 between 2002 and 2003, although those seriously injured rose from 116 to 127. In West Yorkshire, the figures were 18 dead and 736 injured in 2001-02 and 14 killed and 750 injured in 2002-03.
    Humberside had seven deaths and 154 seriously injured last year, while five bikers were killed and 117 seriously injured in 2002.

    Diesel and the road surface problems we have in Yorkshire are not a problem then?

    Best Regards
    Stuart XV16

    Please note that some of the comments and articles posted may not represent my views or the views of FORUM99 and its moderators.


    GSX Rat

    Perhaps a campaign to get rid of the potholes that seem to proliferate the roads here in humberside would be money better spent! As for no fixed cameras, there might as well be as the one on the a180 great coates and the one down clee road seem to have set up semi permanent residence…

    GSX750 Ratfighter / SR125 Rat / GSX600F / Beamish250 / Honda70 Rat

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!


    The one that hangs about on the 180 is also targeting truckers doing probably 65mph and even Sprinter vans have restrictions if it can be proved they are used for business! Not very hard is it?…. But its not about revenue, Gooods vehicles travelling at 65 on an almost empty stretch of road come motorway…

    Best Regards
    Stuart XV16

    Please note that some of the comments and articles posted may not represent my views or the views of FORUM99 and its moderators.


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