Bike nite under threat

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    GSX Rat

    Pulled from the willy woods website:

    News for Bikers at Willingham Woods

    Bike Meet on 9 June Cancelled – 01 Jun 2004
    Further to the article published on 21 May, we regret to announce that the bike meet on 9 June has been cancelled. Local authority intervention means that, due to the irresponsible few, this may represent the first of many cancellations.


    Stunt Bikes Threaten Bike Meets – 21 May 2004
    Complaints have been received from a number of North Willingham residents who have approached the Police, Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership, Fire Brigade, Council & Forest Enterprise regarding a small minority of bikers riding irresponsibly in the vicinity of Willingham Woods and also appearing to be speeding through the village of North Willingham.

    These residents held a meeting of their Parish Council and discussed the problem at great length. We were not approached to attend the meeting and we are acting on a summary related to us by a regular visitor. We would like to make it known that we do not condone this behaviour from a small minority of the motor cycle community.

    Lincolnshire County Council have stated that, if some motor cyclists ignore the requests to stop the wheelies and ‘Stunt Riding’ within the vicinity of Willingham Woods it could threaten the use of the venue as a bike meet in the future. This would be extended to all vehicular traffic as the facilities would no longer be available during the evening.

    Whilst at the meeting, it was pointed out by the police that there have been no serious accidents involving motorbikes on the Willingham stretch of the A631 between Market Rasen and North Willingham, so we would like to keep these statistics intact!

    So, we are looking to make Willingham Woods a ‘Wheelie Free Zone’. If you enjoy your time at Willingham Woods, please help us to promote the ‘Wheelie Free Zone’ and keep the bike meets going.

    Many thanks for your cooperation!

    GSX750 Ratfighter / GSX600F / Beamish250 / Honda70 Rat

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!


    Poor old Wheelie, he’s a quiet lad really.

    I like the stats, “Zero” how many bikes??

    GSX Rat

    200 – 250+ on a Wednesday night , probably the same on a saturday and sunday plus the ones that drop in during the week…..

    GSX750 Ratfighter / GSX600F / Beamish250 / Honda70 Rat

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!


    That’s some bikes. I know when i have called in there are always bikes there. I have a mate who lives in Rasen and he has not heard a thing about this, but he will keep his ears to the ground. I can’t see how they can stop bikes turning up, it’s a public road. If for any reason they made the picnic site a no biker area, I would encourage meeting in Rasen Square

    Best Regards
    Stuart XV16

    Please note that some of the comments and articles posted may not represent my views or the views of FORUM99 and its moderators.


    GSX Rat

    It was posted on their website, the only thing they are doing to call tonights meet off is to close the snackbar but there is talk of putting barriers on the gates and them being locked at certain times, such as at nights should this sort of thing continue – bit contradictory like you said tho, all these bikes and no accidents – they close it off and they all go to rasen market place, gonna be a nightmare!

    GSX750 Ratfighter / GSX600F / Beamish250 / Honda70 Rat

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!


    Are you on about Willingham near Cambridge? Do the bikes gather in the evenings at the weekend or during the day? Would quite like to go have a look but can’t go during the day and I work week day evenings. [?][?][?][]

    The roads are my race track!!

    GSX Rat

    Willingham woods, Market Rasen , Lincolnshire every wednesday evening , sat and sun afternoons..

    Looks like no-one told the bikers last night was cancelled, went along for a look and there was over 200 over the course of the evening plus the stunt riders too LOL. Police presence was a patrol car that drove past a couple of times but didnt stop…..

    GSX750 Ratfighter / GSX600F / Beamish250 / Honda70 Rat

    Blackboard paint – Covers a multitude of sins!

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