Big summer ride for Brett, May 11th 2008

Home Forums Meetings and events Big summer ride for Brett, May 11th 2008

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    I could do with some rags to polish the bike[:D][:D][:D]

    Seriously though, I’ll be glad to have one. If all members here buy one, problem solved!



    Originally posted by imperialdata

    I could do with some rags to polish the bike[:D][:D][:D]

    Seriously though, I’ll be glad to have one. If all members here buy one, problem solved!

    there may be a spare one for you, but it will be white, if they are done in time I can drop it round sunday? Price is £7


    Summary of route and marshal arrangements –

    We are not doing the usual drop off system because it may attract the wrong sort of attention given the clamp down on bikes in the area.

    Speed monster has binned his bike today so now am a tail end charlie short eek!!!

    There are 2 key junctions that will have marshals waiting to see the ride through, once the tail ender is through they will drop in behind. The junctions are the spire at Rhayader and the lights in Newtown.
    There will be marshals at stages within the actual group, they will know the route anyway and will make sure that all those between themselves and the marshal next up the line of bikes go the right way.
    The Junctions –
    the first roundabout after leaving Crossgates Cafe (about 100 yards) – Straight on. (no marshal standing at junction itself)
    The second junction is the Spire at Rhayader – Right, but you need to treat the Spire in the middle of the junction like a roundabout, no one has right of way, go around the spire!!!!! (There will be marshals at this junction)
    Roundabout at Llangurig – bear right (second exit – no marshal at this junction) towards Newtown.
    IIRC we pass a junction just before Newtown where the A470 from Machynlleth meets the A470 that we are traveling on from Llangurig, we stay on the A470 heading towards Newtown centre.
    Next is a roundabout (no marshal at junction), straight on into centre,
    a little way to the traffic lights (second key junction), here we go left onto the A483 back towards Crossgates, we have to abide by the traffic signals but there will be marshals to direct you should you get left behind (as said, marshals here till all riders through).
    Last junction is the roundabout 100 yards from Crossgates, we take a left back to the cafe, and thats it, simple (Toggsy and Sir Duke will drop onto Junction to make sure those behind them take the first exit).

    Toggsy (marshal number 1) will be the first marshal in line until the roundabout at Crossgates approaching the cafe ON THE WAY BACK and himself and Sir Duke will wait at the roundabout and make sure everyone takes the left to the cafe. Thumper (marshal number 3) will be further down the line, could you stop by the cafe on the road and make sure no one misses the entrance please?



    Roger wilco Gix! TT07 hopes to have a couple of extra riders in tow and a VTR1000 rider (not Thumper) could be joing me too.


    Okey dokey Radar. the 11th approaches fast, ride safe to the venue guys, i will be there for 11, thumper and toggsy, i will see you there at 11.30am.


    Yup, safe journey everyone.

    matt splat

    I hope you get a big turn out for this one.

    Im there in spirit.


    The weather is looking good for tomorrow, so fingers crossed for a good turn out


    70 bikes at Crossgates! 56 actually did the loop. Review and piccies to follow later!


    twas a nice ride


    Well a good day, raised £525 (first count, will check when not quite so shattered lol) but……I hit a big blackbird on the A5 on way home, broken top fairing, intake grill, indicator and shook me up a bit oops, bird is still wedged in fairing, too tired to sort it now.


    Oh…..and a MASSIVE THANK YOU TO YOU ALL! [:D][:D][:D]


    good day out well organised and lots of nice twisty bits
    good to put a few faces to internet names as well


    Yep, great day. You look nothing like your avatar Sid!


    The total keeps going up, still getting paypal donations, its now £870!!!
    Top result! [:D]

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