Bacon rolls

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    fancy that we made bacon rolls for us all at about 11 oclock this morning both boys turned thier noses up at them and went back out side to mess about with thier mates
    Dont know wot to make of that, are they normal? or have bacon rolls been lost from all boys wanted lists
    Always a treet when i were a boy,still it left lots for julie and i
    washed bikes and car had julie cut my hair for me watched james bond now posting
    ps any body able to tell me why my picture i posted in test bit didnt show just made a box with an x in it thanks


    I didn’t think that it was possible to turn your nose up to a Bacon roll even if your name was Manny Goldstien!! Clearly I was wrong. Just hope it was a one off incident. To really top off a bacon butty you do need a runny fried egg and mushrooms, was this where you went wrong?


    Radar we grow our own eggs but the fungas you can keep {bantam eggs of corse}


    Next time I am in East Anglia I might have to raid for a butty. OK if I bring my own fungi to go with the bacon and eggs?
    Anyway I thought Bantams were BSA’s or did I miss the yoke? (groan).
    Hope you get the posting piccy sorted as I would be interested to take a look at a bike like yours. []

    chris snell

    I can understand kids not wanting bacon rolls i had as many as i could get and look where it got me (or more what it got me) I’ll say no more



    If you ever feel tempted back to the “Dark Side” and really NEED a Bacon butty check out Dorrells Cafe in Stourport on Severn. Bacon Egg Mushroom on crusty bread!! I have one there every time I pop into the bike shop next door.




    i think chris could be temted real easy
    went out with chris and two other m8s tonight for a ride good time had by all,two supermoto and two retro bikes,no one rode silly just a nice swift ride good on ya chris.


    Glad you guys had a good ride, what were the other two bikes? Did you know Chris before Forum99 then?

    I hope to get down to East Anglia at some point on the T Cat, can I come out for a play too?

    Quick message to Imp Dat – – how about it?



    Your wish is my command.

    Visit for all your high cholesterol needs!

    I really should be doing more useful stuff…..


    Highly impressive service service Imp dat!! Perhaps I ought to change my name to Rotund!

    I really should be doing more useful stuff…..YES YOU SHOULD!!


    The other two bikes, Chris has a 600 HORNET The other retro rider has a 600 bandit the guy on the other super moto was told to come and see me by my freind that has the bike shop coz he was looking for someone with a s/m to ride out with,turns out we was riding together 20 years ago.
    Felixstowe is a small place but still easy to lose touch with folk

    As for knowing chris before forum 99 yes he moved to felixstowe whilst still at high, school he is younger than me [not much] but did not realy get into bikes more old fast cars for him.
    Chris was at school with my wifes brother [a non posting member][V]
    as life went on i became chrises aprentice so realy i no wot i no thanks to chris we have not worked together for many years but had some good times.[^]
    chris maried my wifes cousin so yes we still see allot of one another
    but wednesday eve is rideout night.
    the s/m that came out with us was a very new ccm,i finley think they have it spot on ,nice to look at and loads of nice parts,if i did not race enduros i would have one the new ones have a 650 suzuki engine jap reliability and a lecy foot finished in metalic black lovely looking bike
    The bandit rider is my boss another real nice guy and i have worked with him for about 21 years.
    radar if you get down this way you must try for a wednesday eve ride out to grt bently outside bar and bbq essex, about 65 mile round trip from felixstowe could meet somewere on rout
    longest post ive done!!!!!sorry to go on but you did ask
    not bad started with a bacon roll


    Like the long post Cookeye! Cheers for the info and the background. Sound like a good crowd. as for the bikes I like 600 Hornets having ridden a Demo bike from C J Balls (near Hales on the Lowestoft road) a few years back.Reminded me of a really quick, well sorted Yamaha RD250E. Sounds weird, but they do. Bandits are brilliant. If you read my post “Try These” on good roads I mentioned my mate who rides a BMW. Before that he had 600 Bandit and he used to fly on it. Cracking tool. Sort of a later day GS550 with a bit of fie in its belly.
    It won’t be this summer now but I will try and get down to East Anglia on the bike next year. Having a few employment problems at the moment. Working as a contractor on some short term work right now. need to get that sorted.
    As you say all this from from a post about a bacon roll!!


    How the hell did you get your site to link to a bacon butty page like that? Some serious hacking going on here I think.[]


    Anything for a bit of streaky, me.

    chris snell

    is this bacon roll still rolling on havent been about for a long time i think its amazing how all this chat came from a bacon roll…..still i feel a bit hungry now better go and have a bacon roll

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