Anyone out there from North Yorkshire???

Home Forums BikeMeet Cafe Anyone out there from North Yorkshire???

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    Hi there – I live in North Yorkshire and am looking to get in touch with other bikers in my area for ride outs.

    Most of my biker mates are in the south which is fine for the trips we do to French/Spanish track weekends away (if anyone’s interested let me know) but the weekends get very boring with no-one to ride with.

    C’mon get in touch![]


    Hi Sooze, welcome to the forum. Hope you find some biking neighbours. You can drop a post in the meetings section which may attract more interest. If you get chance, pop along to the “members’ bikes” section too and tell us what you ride.

    Good luck!


    Sooze, I’m not a Yorkshire lad but I’ve got family there. Whereabouts are you? (roughly!)


    Welcome to the forum sooze. Sorry i am down in sunny Worcestershire, but I hope you find some like minded people up there.
    Let us know what bike you ride.
    Have you thought about the local branches of MAG or the BMF?
    Good luck, and keep posting!



    Originally posted by dukatty

    Sooze, I’m not a Yorkshire lad but I’ve got family there. Whereabouts are you? (roughly!)

    hi there I’m in Harrogate – where are your family? Any bike riders amongst them?



    Originally posted by Radar

    Welcome to the forum sooze. Sorry i am down in sunny Worcestershire, but I hope you find some like minded people up there.
    Let us know what bike you ride.
    Have you thought about the local branches of MAG or the BMF?
    Good luck, and keep posting!

    Thanks for your reply Radar. I’ll try MAG/BMF. I ride a K2 SV 650S – my pride and joy but hanker after the new CBR600!


    I used to blast around the excellent roads there when I lived in York. Think it was the A59 which took me through Harrogate to the Dales. You’ve got some great roads round there Sooze!


    Always liked the look of the SV650, a couple of mates have owned them and always seemed well happy. CBR600 is a great bike too, arguably better in the real world than a Blade, more useable and cheaper to run but still with fantastic performance.
    Let us know if the BMF and MAG are any good, I was in the BMF years ago but didn’t really make the most of it. Did the members only day at the BMF rally in 84, 87 and 90 which was great fun. Especially in 90 when the bike club I ran then (The Fairweather Bikers, we were hard b*****ds!)entered a Puch Maxi in the moped race. What a laugh and if you get the chance to do moped racing take it.


    The A59 is a great road to the Dales but only if you hit it at about 7.30am on a Sunday before all the elderly on their day trips!

    Loads of great roads – we’re very lucky – hopefully I’ll find some likeminds to ride them with!



    Originally posted by Radar

    Always liked the look of the SV650, a couple of mates have owned them and always seemed well happy. CBR600 is a great bike too, arguably better in the real world than a Blade, more useable and cheaper to run but still with fantastic performance.
    Let us know if the BMF and MAG are any good, I was in the BMF years ago but didn’t really make the most of it. Did the members only day at the BMF rally in 84, 87 and 90 which was great fun. Especially in 90 when the bike club I ran then (The Fairweather Bikers, we were hard b*****ds!)entered a Puch Maxi in the moped race. What a laugh and if you get the chance to do moped racing take it.

    Point taken re moped racing! Sounds like a laugh. The CBR is more than enough for any sane biker in my opinion! Have riden a Blade and frightened myself to death!

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