2018 – The Options

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    Well it is a couple of years since I ventured abroad so it is time to dust off the Atlas and see where to go next. The Big E is hitting Boliva in June and invited me to join him, but I just couldn’t make the dates and costs work for me which is a bummer, but in the words of Esther Rantzen ‘That’s Life’ (anybody under 30…Google it…), I am pretty sure we will have plenty of adventures in the future! So a couple of ideas are being mulled over. One is a trip to Ireland to take in my ancestorial home and the other is a return to Northern Spain and revisit some of the best roads I have ever ridden. Watch this space…. 


    “And finally Cyril…” 

    Shame about Bolivia mate, work gets in the way of everything.


    “And finally Cyril…” 

    Shame about Bolivia mate, work gets in the way of everything.

    Ireland dates are not working either, so time for a ponder

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