Warning: Pillion Insurance Cover

Home Forums BikeMeet Cafe Warning: Pillion Insurance Cover

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    Noticed this in a letter printed in “Bike” magazine (Feb.2004). Apparently some bike insurance policies do not automatically cover you for carrying a passenger, in fact some even state “Carriage of a pillion passenger will invalidate all cover”.

    The one mentioned was Equity Red Star, but it may apply to others.

    Apparently in this case the rider contact his broker and pillion cover was added at no extra cost.

    I am off to read my policy properly…

    chris snell

    Radar I have just been in contact with my insurer EQUITY RED STAR
    about what you mentioned , and on my certificate it does mention and i qoute:- the policy does not cover the carriage of passengers or goods for hire or reward unqoute. so basically what they are saying is you can’t use your bike as a taxi.

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