the laws

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  • #13026
    spanish biker

    spanish parliament has passed new penal code reform making some driving laws, a crime, E.G. speeding over 200kph on motorways, 180 kph, on normal rds, 110 on urban rds, will result in loss of licence for 1 to 4 years, plus 3 to 6 months in prison, and or a fine of between 6 months to a years salary and community work,
    The same law for drunk or drugged drivers, any one refusing a test will face between 6 months to a year in jail and lose licence for 1 to 4 years. Driving with out a licence will get you 6 to 12 months inside, or a fine equal to 12 to 24 months salary, reckless drivers endangering life will face 6 months to 2 years in prison, and lose licence for 1 to 6 years ,there is more but dont want to bore you all . getting a bit serious or what [?]


    These kind of laws really amaze me, you get caught for committing the offence and “the book is thrown at you” and you have neither hurt yourself or anyone else, where as if you do the same AND injure or KILL someone you would no doubt get a much lesser penalty! Throw in the FACT that when a PERSONALITY does the same THEY dont go to jail and the fine to income ratio does not come to play. The only exception that I know of was Lee Hughes the footballer who ended up in jail. I KNOW OF NO OTHER. As far as personalities go even bad news is good publicity, is it not.



    Originally posted by spanish biker

    spanish parliament has passed new penal code reform making some driving laws, a crime, E.G. speeding over 200kph on motorways, 180 kph, on normal rds, 110 on urban rds, will result in loss of licence for 1 to 4 years, plus 3 to 6 months in prison, and or a fine of between 6 months to a years salary and community work,
    The same law for drunk or drugged drivers, any one refusing a test will face between 6 months to a year in jail and lose licence for 1 to 4 years. Driving with out a licence will get you 6 to 12 months inside, or a fine equal to 12 to 24 months salary, reckless drivers endangering life will face 6 months to 2 years in prison, and lose licence for 1 to 6 years ,there is more but dont want to bore you all . getting a bit serious or what [?]

    Kin ell Spanish! sorry to hear that mate, tis F**kin outrageous! Most accidents are caused by bad drivers[;)] not by speed itself, I mean you can ride a bike fast safely, there’s more manouverability on a bike, cor that was a long word hehehehe[:D] has this law actually gone through yet?


    Crikey when I was working for a Spanish company 2004/5 the speeding enforcement seemed extremely lax. I mainly drove hire cars flat out along the fmous Autovia del Norte between Madrid and Burgos

    I was often well north of 200kph and up to 230-40 kph in a variety of cars. Alwats fancied riding it and up beyond Burgos to Santander on the A623 (I think).

    These new laws certainly seem to mark a change of mood over in Spain, when do they come into force?

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