Run to Wales with the Thundercat Forum 21-23/5

Home Forums BikeMeet Cafe Run to Wales with the Thundercat Forum 21-23/5

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    Bishop Castle is a charming, idiosyncratic market town in Shropshire that boasts a host of beautiful timber framed houses and shops lining undulating, tight and higgledy-piggledy streets. Now I have had a chance to spend time there I must confess to being utterly charmed.

    Mrs Radar and I were booked into ‘The Poppy House’ B&B and we received a warm welcome to this traditional, homely guesthouse. Our room was spacious and the exposed beams everywhere underlined the sense of history in a building that was once the bakery for the town.

    My loaded up Thundercat outside the charming Poppyhouse

    The first evening saw the forum troops gather together in The Boars Head pub on the main street. Some had even had a warm up at The Three Tunns on their way down from the various B&Bs that people were stopping at. The evening passed pleasantly in a blur as old acquaintances caught-up. For me and Mrs Radar it was great to build up on some existing friendships and meet some new people.

    The meal was good (I had my usual light salad), the beer flowed and even the staff seem to have being infected with the spirit of the evening as they applied some very odd pricing to the meals! Several of us moved on to another pub for another couple of pints.



    All in a cracking night and I wondered up the hill back to our digs ‘happy’!

    After a good nights kip, we awoke to be greeted by sunshine streaming through the lace curtains of the sash window in our room. You could just tell the day was going to be a good one. We joined the others for 9:30 meet outside the Boars Head. In all ten bikes eventually lined up for the run…

    Only four were on a Thundercat, but when you consider it last sold here in 2003 officially I suppose that it is inevitable.

    Just to prove it was a THUNDERCAT meet!

    The Crossgates stop was brief before headed deeper into Wales along the A44. The route had been well chosen and the group was hanging together well. The pace was steady, but enjoyable and the group clicked together well moving as a unit. I kind of like the feeling when a group ride like that…you don’t have to ride everywhere like you have a rocket shoved up your arse to enjoy yourself! As we got close to the Elan valley the countryside just got more and more beautiful. Wales has its’ detractors, but on day like this…sunshine and crystal clear blue skies there is little anywhere in the world to match it. The reservoirs themselves were constructed to keep Birmingham in water…a dam might be man made, but they are one of those rare times when the touch of man has served to improve its’ surroundings rather than scar it. We pulled up at the waterside of one and the sunlight played on the gently rippling surface to create an ever-changing pattern, quite spell binding. There is something about water that draws us to it…a smoothing influence that seems to move life’s everyday hassles that little bit further away.

    I think the pictures speak for themselves here:







    Back on the bikes now we wended our over the Elan valley to Devils Bridge. The pace was slow, dictated in part by the twisty narrow mountain road and partly by the group’s chilled mood. A memorable ride. From here we headed towards the sea at Aberystwyth before hugging the coast road to New-Quay. It was on this section that the  Blade had to drop out as it packed up with an electrical fault. He had to be recovered home poor sod…hope you get sorted quickly and cheaply bud!

    New Quay was packed and the heat was searing by now. Trouble getting the bikes parked meant the group got a little split up for the lunch break, some enjoyed fish and chips on the harbour wall, while Mrs radar and I  joined some others in a little open air café where were served by a comically grumpy Polish waitress….who took wenty minutes to pull two ready made ice creams from a freezer, plonk them in a glass and sting us £3.50 each for them!



    Back on the bikes and the roads were opening out a little more now and the pace quickened slightly here and there as we headed for a Red Kite sanctuary. The mornings adventures had left us running late and we missed seeing the magnificent birds-of-prey being fed…however it was still good to see them in there element in yet another stunning setting.

    The bird sanctuary

    The feeding grounds of the Red Kites

    The red Kites…you might have to squint a bit….it’s only a pocket camera you know!

    From here the roads really opened up and a  couple of lads up front began to really enjoy themselves while I chugged steadily along with the main group. Great roads and even the searing heat was not curtailing the enjoyment. By the time we rolled back into Bishops Castle we had covered around 180 highly enjoyable miles on great roads against stunning backdrops.

    That evening once we had all cleaned up and peeled off our sticky leathers we headed for the Three Tunns for a fabulous meal and some great beer brewed on-site. The evening passed in a flash as drink flowed freely. A cracking night was had by all, and the perfect way to wrap up a superb days biking.

    The group about to consume more beer while I sipped tonic water until another light salad arrived for me….

    The next morning we gathered once more outside the Boars Head to say our farewells. I rode as far as Ludlow in company with two of the others, before peeling off to head home happy with a brilliant weekend and a memorable way for Mrs Radar and I to celebrate our anniversary!

    Cheers to Nick and Ellie of the Thundercat forum for setting up the whole thing


    Looks like you had an awesome weekend there :)


    Glad you had a good weekend Radar. I had a run out on Sunday to Aberystwyth via Bridgnoth, Craven Arms, Newtown, Llandiloes and returned via Devils Bridge, Elan Valley, Crossgates, Knighton and Ludlow. Total 266miles. Must say the heat was much less oppressive out near the coast and at the higher levels on the way out. Cracking ride, roll on the next one!



    Originally posted by ses310

    Looks like you had an awesome weekend there :)

    It was superb tbh



    Originally posted by TT07

    Glad you had a good weekend Radar. I had a run out on Sunday to Aberystwyth via Bridgnoth, Craven Arms, Newtown, Llandiloes and returned via Devils Bridge, Elan Valley, Crossgates, Knighton and Ludlow. Total 266miles. Must say the heat was much less oppressive out near the coast and at the higher levels on the way out. Cracking ride, roll on the next one!

    We must get a forum ride-out sorted soon, it is a while since we all got together


    Memories ‘eh? Loved my ‘cat & let’s hope the Exup is sorted before this years ride (so at least it’s a Yam!)


    Memories ‘eh? Loved my ‘cat & let’s hope the Exup is sorted before this years ride (so at least it’s a Yam!)

    Be fantastic to see the EXUP in action.

    Only 10 bikes on the ride out, over 25 last year wasn’t it.

    Ses310 from here is keen to join us for the day too this year

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