private messages and things

Home Forums BikeMeet Cafe private messages and things

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  • #8576
    chris snell

    Hi all you guys I’ve been having problems getting into members area and with this new private messages thingy every time i try to click on them all i get is a message saying there was a problem any ideas anybody ?
    not got to wait to long for summer now


    I think you have to be logged on to have full access to everything?


    Chris, can you tell me more about what operating system you run and whether you have a firewall like Norton or Zone Alarm? You must have been logged on to send your message, presumably you have no logon problems?

    chris snell

    I have no problems signing on and i am running windows XP home eddition i do not run any firewall only anyi virus software


    Try changing your Internet Explorer settings:
    Tools, Internet Options, Security, slide the security bar to low.
    Click OK then close internet explorer and start it back up again.
    Question 1: Are you logged in automatically when going to the forum homepage?

    Now click private messages at the top of the page.
    Question 2: What do you get?

    Question 3: What Antivirus software do you run?

    chris snell

    when loging on i put a c in the box and click on my name the password comes on automatically
    when i clik on private messages it goes to the genral chat page
    and i am using McAfee antivirus
    i have set the security levl to low

    chris snell

    wonder if it will make a diffreence if i register again


    Chris – Seem to remember you had a problem with a forgotten password when you first registered. This may be causing your messaging problem. If you are using Internet Explorer 5 or above, then try this:

    Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x or above will save the password entered the first time in any password field such as the the Forum99 logon screen.

    No matter what you type in to this field, the previously entered password will be used. Microsoft Internet Explorer will insert the password saved the first time (when a pop-up box prompted you with “Do you want this password saved?”). This issue is the result of a Microsoft Internet Explorer setting and can be resolved within Internet Explorer.

    Logout of Forum99 and go to any other web site or offline
    Select the Tools menu
    Choose Internet Options
    Click the Content tab
    Click the Auto Complete button
    Click on Clear Password
    ***This will clear ALL remembered passwords on Internet Explorer, not just your Forum99 password. Please make sure you have all passwords for other sites!***

    Return to the forum and login with your name and password. You can store this now if you wish.

    Let me know how you get on.

    chris snell

    thanks ip I tried that but that did not work either would it be worth registering again with a different name and password?


    Yes, by all means try that. When you say clicking on Private Messages takes you to the general chat page, which page is that? Can you tell me what appears on that page?


    And are you still logged in afterwards, ie is there a logOUT button at the top of the page next to the text saying “you are logged in as…..” ?

    What do you see when you click on this link:

    chris snell

    BINGO i clicked on your link and i can now get private messages
    and also i get the logout button at the top of the page which i never had befor
    thanks for your help i will now save this in my favorites

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)
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